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TW: A little bit of blood, d//th (e, a)

"I thought you were lost! I thought you had been killed!"

On the 16th night of September, France had found her way home, to Jack acting as though he was her mother. It was times like this when France regretted her mother's decision to marry this dolt. By the way, where was her mother?

"Haven't we established that I can take care of myself?" France groaned.

"Have we?" Jack replied sarcastically. "I really hadn't thought we'd've done that," (Yes, that's a word. I use it regularly.)

Once France was locked in her room (I mean, you can't blame Jack, he's always paranoid!), she finally looked at the map that was hanging on her wall to figure out where she had gone. (I know nothing about the United Kingdom. Why am I even writing this?)

After studying it over and over before realizing that she wasn't going to find the little town that she was in, she took a moment to just... look at the old map. It was frayed at the edges, and the cloth was slightly yellow, diverting away from the classic white that the maker surely hoped it would stay that way. It was bound to the wall by some nails, so once France had gotten those off, she quickly stuck it in the concealed pocket of her dress. This would help. She hoped.

So basically, Scotland was stuck under a cart. It was heavy and filled with hay for the cows down south. This wouldn't take long to get off, she had gotten herself stuck under carts many times.

How she had gotten here was quite a funny story actually, because it wasn't very funny at all. See, she had been pushed down by someone in a scurry to get somewhere and wasn't looking where they were going. Then, this cart rolled over her and now she was stuck under it.

And helping her did not seem to be in anyone's interest at the moment.

Which was fine, she'd done this many times! But this cart was again, very heavy. And it wasn't the best for getting off of her. Maybe coming to Scotland wasn't the best idea ever. But no matter. What her focus was getting this damn cart off of her. Which didn't seem to be coming off of her. Because it was heavy. Oops.

So with all her might, she tried throwing the cart off of her. No luck prevailed. She tried again, but still nothing. Was this insanity?

As she was pondering what and what not was insanity, the driver got into the cart. With a flick of his reigns, the horses dragged the cart over her body.

Killing her instantly.

Well, this was great. She was a... ghost?

She remembered a flash a pain, followed by nothing, followed by a clamor of voices. She could see her own dead body, but she couldn't see her real body, or whatever the body of a ghost was called. Other than that, she felt kind of like a real person. Just dead.

And she wasn't hungry anymore. That was good.

Seeing her body out of her body was... weird. Like it was some sort of dream? No, it was death. Y'know, that makes more sense.

So now what was she going to do? Cry like a baby? No, at least she can still scare people.

Well, she supposed. I think I might need to go home. 

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