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        "Holy sh- MOM???"

So this was a... surprise. His mother was a ghost. Like, France's sister ghost. He could see her. But he wasn't sure if anyone else could see her.

"Hey." She waved.

The past week was pretty normal, to be honest. He got a letter from Germany, but still pretty normal. Granted, Germany didn't write to him that often, but the week was normal besides that.

Yeah, so now his mom was a ghost. All good times have to come to an end, He thought.

"So, how are you doing?" His mom asked him. Jack was visibly angry.

"Yeah, avoid the elephant in the room." He formed his dad's name on his mouth, but what came out was definitely not his dad's name. "Monarchy?"

"Who-" Now that his mum was a ghost, he felt like it was only right to cut her off at least once in his life. "France's sister. Ghost. Wanna see if you can see her." His mother looked outraged because he cut her off.

"Why are you calling my sister?" France asked as she came down the steps. The way that they were designed was awkward as they couldn't see France until the word sister came out of her mouth, because a wall was covering the stairs all the way down except for the last couple of steps. Man, they needed to fix that. That was a terrible designing issue.

"Oh. I see," She muttered as Jack gestured to his mom. "Wow. How'd you die?"

"Does it really mat- stuck under a cart. Jesus, it takes a long time to walk back. I thought ghosts could float or something."

"I know!" The infamous Monarchy had finally made her appearance. With her signature white dress and her hair all done up, she was stunning as ever. "The image that I had of ghosts was so wrong after I became one!"

Jack compared the differences between his mom and France's sister. They both looked grainy and out of focus, and they both were a few shades paler. Other than that, he couldn't see anything else they had in common. They both looked as they did when they were alive, (he assumed that Monarchy had looked like that when she was alive) though his mother looked younger. Maybe before Wales was born. She looked younger, which Jack could understand. Wales could make anyone age ten years in ten minutes.

Speaking of Wales, where was she? Ah, there she is.


Yes, hello, now shut up, I need to do my narrating job.

"Are you all insane or are you seriously talking to air?" The great star of his uncle named Ireland had finally made his entrance. Being the only one there (except for Wales and his father,) who couldn't see ghosts or wasn't a ghost, Jack figured that the scene must've looked pretty outlandish to him. His poor uncle.

"How long were you here?" Ireland was standing next to a pole, mostly leaning on it, the scar on his nose popping out under the lamps.

"Just since France asked someone how they died." He looked at his nails. "So, how'd they die?"

"Uhm..." Jack looked at France like a panicked dog. France calmly took the lead.

"I know that this might be a surprise," her heels clicked on the ground and she put a hand on his shoulder. "But we can see ghosts."

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