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        "I'm going to the town, father." Jack said, after a few minutes of tension so thick you could cut it a knife. "France, come with me."

France, who seemed very invented in the tension that was currently going on with their parents, started protesting but Jack shut her up with a glare. "Uhm, yeah! I'll come with you!" On their way out, Normandy tugged at France's sleeve and whispered something only those two could hear. She looked shocked for a moment before shaking it off.

After they reached a corridor seemingly out of earshot, Jack tugged at the other's sleeve. "What was that about?" He hissed.


"My mum hating yours?"

"Oh, so now it's my fault?"

"I'm not saying that-- let's just go." He continued to lead her through corridors until they reached a back entrance that led into a town. He softened his glare at France after seeing her disinterested expression.

"I'm bored," She immediately complained after he noticed exactly the same.

He chuckled. "Well, just hang on for a minute," He murmured, though it sounded a lot louder than intended in the silent corridor. And it was true. In less than a minute, they had reached the back entrance.

The UK'S eyes weren't on the city; they were fixated on the girl to see her reaction. And what a reaction it was. It was like she had never seen a city- nay, never seen a town before. She stood with her feet planted on the floor, just taking in all of the things her five senses could take in and more. He tried tugging on her sleeves but she was planted flat, so he waved his hands in front of her face. "Hello? France? Wake up!"

France yelped before realizing it was just Jack. "Wow..." she breathed.

"Pretty amazing, huh?" the other commented, before leading her further into the city. France marveled in wonder while Jack kept chuckling every time he saw her face.

"It's like you've never seen a city before," he remarked. She turned to him with a serious expression on his face. "That's because I haven't." When he found himself with a puzzled expression on his face, she clarified; "Mother has never let me gone in a city before. I've seen plenty, but I've never been in one."

"Not even a town?"

"Not even a town." She confirmed.

"Damn," He swore. "What are we waiting for then?" Jack tugged at her sleeves. (Damn this lady has a lot of sleeve)

"Stop itttt!" France dragged the word out. "You're gonna make my sleeves go all wonky! See, look at them, they're already coming apart!" She moaned. He pretended to examine her sleeves with mock concern. "I don't see anything," he commented, but the other had already moved on.

They walked around the various buildings before stumbling across a market. Jack continued protesting against going into it, but France seemed determined to go into it. So go in it they did. However, Jack was looking around nervously, knowing with a gut feeling that this was a bad place, and if France had never been in a city, this wasn't the place for her.

France and Jack walked around the stalls for a bit, and when France wanted to buy something, he pointed out that they didn't have money and Jack literally brought them out here on a whim.

They had just reached the end of the stalls with no causalities from France when a man appeared right behind them. Jack knew to not turn around but France, having literally never been in a city, turned around.

"Who are you?" She asked. The man seemed older, maybe 40 or 50 years of age.
"What's a pretty little dame like you doing running around the market?" He asked in a rough, gravelly voice. Jack instinctively shrunk, but caught himself and stood up straight. This was his fiancée after all, and he couldn't hide behind her.

"I have no idea, actually. It's my first time here and I've seemed to come across a street rat," She retorted with a disgusted look. Jack shot her a look that told her that was a bad idea. At least, he hoped it came across like that.

The man growled. Then, quicker than you would expect from a drunken man, grabbed her by the collar. (haha not the sleeve this time) France gasped and the other scrambled to get her down.

After she had gotten safely on the ground and to a safer place in town, they stopped near an ally and the UK waited for France to catch her breath. She seemed so shaken up that Jack didn't even think to tell her 'I told you so!'

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," she panted. "Just startled, that's all."

She got to her feet after a minute or two and they both made their way out and back to the castle. It was quiet. Too quiet. France and United both checked different rooms for people before both stumbling into Northern's room. Inside, England, Scotland and Wales were crowding around his bed, with Normandy hanging on the outside, reading a letter. Jack pushed his way to the bed and saw Northern Ireland, deathly ill.

Hi! Don't be mad at me :)

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