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      France had then locked herself in her room and didn't come out until the next day, at least that was what she wished she did. But after about thirty minutes in her room, she gave up and just came out. (Yeah France we all know you're bi- hold up what? I didn't say anything)

Honestly, she really had no idea why she freaked out. She supposed it had something to do with being called a traitor, but she wasn't sure. Whatever, she brushed it off and decided she would just act like nothing happened. Good times.

Wales came running the opposite way as France as she was going down the steps, causing her to topple over and fall onto back.

"God, I'm sorry," she muttered to France, before continuing her way upstairs. Weird, she thought. It's like she was in a rush for something. Eh, she brushed it off. Maybe it wasn't anything to worry herself over.

No one was in the sitting room when she entered. Typical of the place, yet France couldn't shove away the feeling that something was wrong. And something, in fact was wrong. She just couldn't place what.

There was, actually, something wrong. Well, not wrong, but wrong.

After the tragic death of his father, Germany had finally come to England again. (Yay...?)

The last time he had come to Jacks home country was when he was 11, coming with his father on a diplomatic mission. That was 10 years ago, before his father had become a stumbling drunk like what caused his death. Now 21, and the ruler of a country, he'd come again. And though he could drink after his 21st birthday, he was too scared of death to drink.

Germany had sent out a letter to The UK that he was certain would come after he had come to the country, and he wasn't sure if it was comforting or slightly disturbing that his friend wouldn't have an idea that he was coming over. Of course, he should've just sent the letter to England, but talking to adults is scary. Or maybe he just thought that. The former was better for him to imagine.

And then, he was off.

A lot of things had changed since he'd last been there. But a lot of things didn't change, which was comforting as germany never really liked change, and his life was so full of change that just t be in a kingdom where their only major changes was that France and The United Kingdom were engaged and that the queen had died. Other than that, not much had happened.

The time he had while he set sail was not the best time he'd ever had. He' d been blown off course by the giant storm that blew down from the north, somehow ending up in Russia, then, after taking a week to get his bearings and attempting to make some sort of agreement with the Tsar, (he just kept getting distracted) he kept going and had a run inn with some Nordics, then, finally getting to the island.

But not the side he wanted to get on.

He never really liked Scotland. Both the country and the person scared and disturbed him. The person was scary and never sincere with anything she said. While the country was cold, barren, and reminded him of Russia. Not the most pleasant landscape.

Obviously, going by boat wasn't really the safest on this trip, and according to Germany, by land was the safest option. This slowed him down very, very much, probably by at least a week and a half, and that wasn't including the time spend at the Russian Empire and the extra time crossing the dicey Nordic waters. So his entire trip was great.

All in all, his trip had taken about six weeks, and The UK had definitely gotten his letter after all that. However, something unexpected happened.


Hello, as you may have noticed that I am not at your house anymore. That's unfortunate, because I got a letter from my mother telling me to come home. You might be asking, why?

I honestly have no idea why.


Vichy smiled as he finished the letter.

bruh mega sorry this is late

christmas and vacation has made this lateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  

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