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        Problem was, France didn't have enough time to be able to learn how to pick locks.

In fact, without a guide, who could learn to pick locks in thirty minutes? Definitely not France. While she wasn't the dimmest of people, she also wasn't the smartest, and this was pretty evident when she came to something like this.

France, who was used to getting off the ship first, was now last. The Royals got off first, followed by the nobles and hand servants waiting to fulfill the royals and noble's nobly needs. Then, the maintainers of the ship got off, except for the few who weren't allowed to, who had to stay on to keep the ship running. Then finally, lowly peasants like herself would be able to get off.

It was funny.

She was once the next in line to rule most of the area west of the Rhine and north of the border with the other one's kingdom. The other one being Vichy. Of course, she understood it. It was only a matter of time before her stupid manners got her in jail like this. Just not so soon.

Wales was maturing faster and faster each day. With her oldest brother in his own world with himself and the weird friend that he had, it was really only herself, her dad, and Northern. With Northern always being sick and her dad never home anymore, it was actually like Wales was ruling the goddamn country. In other words, a twelve-year-old ruling a big kingdom? Not good. But it's what she had to deal with.

And clearly, even a five-year-old could see what was happening. Spain, Russia, and Italy, along with a lot of the other neighboring countries could tell what was occurring.

And frankly, none of them cared.

Which was good for most of them, because no one wanted to get into the centuries-long feud between Vichy, Normandy, England, and Scotland.

But some of them did, for some unknown reason.

Well, that was what Spain thought when she realized that the map she had found was leading straight to the heart of the very country she was trying to avoid. The United Kingdom.

Why her mom wanted a map made like this right to someone else's country, she didn't know.

She had been etching in places and copying down maps that her father had before he died, which were technically Portugal's, yet Spain couldn't bring herself to care. At least not as much as to not use them. But Spain was truly disappointed at what those stupid maps had brought her to. She had come in ready to find something, something that wouldn't lead anywhere she didn't want to go.

The hot summer breeze coming in through one of her windows didn't bother her like it usually would. In fact, She felt slightly ungrateful to the sandpaper walls keeping out most of the heat, but she couldn't go outside. It was a wet heat, the kind that made her want to immediately take a shower after staying outside for too long. So she forfeited the nice October heat for not wanted to drench herself in more water.

Now that her father, who was Portugal's guidance in life, his five-year-old life, Portugal had every so often come in during the time she was figuring out how to do map stuff and had been very annoying.

However, with this horrid realization, she wanted Portugal (who convinced her to not go back on her promise of going where the map took her) to be here, to tell him that she couldn't, because, well, she didn't want to be involved in a war.

A war that she had no involvement in.

Once upon a time, Spain would have hated England. Now all she felt was pity towards him and his son, UK. But she especially felt pity towards herself.

Now that she had to seek them out.

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