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       "Oh I know," France looked back at him in confusion. "What do you mean? You... know?"

"I know, you know, ghost lore! Everyone knows it and you two seem to be on the receiving end of that." Ireland laughed as if France and he were sharing a secret joke. The "joke" did not have the intended effect that most jokes normally have, which is to amuse the listener.

"Um, okay, creepy old guy, but okay," Monarchy looked at her nails, like one of those teenagers who thought they were 'so cool'

"I doubt he even heard you," Scotland replied. "Why am I even a ghost? Do I have unfinished business or-"

"Anyway, there is a reason I came down," Ireland unknowingly cut off Scotland, which angered her and she almost started to yell at him before she realized that he couldn't see her. "Your father is off to the Germanic Kingdom -yes, it's called that now, poor Prussia had a little too much to drink- to find supporters there. See, we know, France." Ireland accusingly pointed a finger straight at her. "You're plotting to kill us."


Everything went to hell after that.

"What? No!" France protested.

"Yeah, France wouldn't hurt a fly!" Jack added to France's very convincing argument. France started to agree before processing his words more closely.

Then she punched him. "I would hurt a fly."

As Jack was rubbing his arm and France looked as though she was planning to punch him again, Ireland slipped out of the picture. A couple of dusty hallways later, he was back in his room, where, miraculously, Vichy stood.

"I let you come here," he growled. "You spent two weeks here and you've already ruined everything!"

"Three weeks," Ireland grumbled under his breath. Vichy paid no attention to this.

"We are going back to my kingdom," Ireland looked up from twiddling his thumbs. "And that's final."


"So, by any chance..." It was about seven minutes after Ireland had gone full bizzare on them and the two ghosts had gone to go do what ghosts do, while France and Great Britain (you have no idea how much that hurt me, writing that) were just chilling on a couch, France reading another book and The UK trying to convince her to look at the 'magic trick' he had learned recently.

France looked back at him. "No, I will not look at your silly card trick."

Jack ignored this completely. "Do you have any idea what Uncle Ireland said means?" Strangely, France got defensive over this and straight up walked out of the room. Jack soon came running after her.

"When a girl walks out of a room that's your cue to not follow her." Wales came up to him, matching his stride. "Especially as angry as she is. I mean, just look at her!" To prove her point, Wales gestured up ahead of them. "What'd you say?"

Jack waved her off of him like an annoying bug that he wanted to get rid off. In some ways he supposed she was an annoying bug he wanted to get rid off. "Nothing important."

"Tell me!!" She whined.

"It's a long story. With Uncle Ireland, ghosts, and France."

"Tell me! Tell me!"

"I said no." Jack silenced her with a glare. And then he continued on.

"What part of 'go away' do you not understand?" France muttered as Jack came up to her side.

"That fact you never said it." France paid no attention to him. "Was it something I said?"

France looked back at him with a fire in her eyes. "Of course it was something you said! To just bring that up all of the sudden..." Jack tried to comfort her in any way but it didn't work. "Just please go away."

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