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   Francia got a name change to Gaul btw because Francia was too similar to France

Wales drew up a plan on a piece of paper, because where else would she write it?

It looked great. It was perfectly detailed, exhibiting her expert masterpiece perfectly, and she was sure this would win the war.

When she showed it to Northern, he shrugged, and said, "What?"

Wales was understandably crestfallen. "Well, y'know, like, we would bring up our army over here, and then we would bring it here, and then we would go AH to the Franks, and everything would work out!"

Northern chuckled. With a pouty expression on Wales' face, he ruffed her red streaked hair and drew some more on her excellent plan.

"Okay, so that's a good idea, but we should bring it over here, split it into two, split it into two again, then split it into two one more time, just to be safe."

Wales looked at him. "You want us to have eight divisions of 100 people?"

He smiled at her. "Precisely!"

She shook her head. "Why?"

"Well, because-"

"THAT WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION, DO NOT ANSWER THAT." She screamed, a bit violently if you ask me.

They redrew a plan, and after about three or four hours of arguing, they got it down. A rare smile was shared between the two siblings, a rare one.

"I already told you, I don't want your-" A look of shock appeared on the woman's face, replacing that of irritation. "France?"

France looked up at her aunt, almost cowering at her tallness, as she was was even taller than France herself. Maybe even Germany. "Hi." She managed to whisper out.

Now, Gaul was notorious for being able to read people easily, but what she came up with was uncanny.

"Let me guess, your father came back after 17 years, you punched him, then he ordered for you to be arrested, then took you back to France, then you escaped and came Versailles and now you're on the run, and also you're broke and betrothed to England's son."

France shook her head. "No. I'm not broke."

Gaul surveyed her with a glare that could murder, hide the body, and cook you breakfast. And France admitted, she really didn't look like the heir of the Kingdom of Normandy, soon to be Kingdom of France that she used to be. "You should come in,"

Inside, it looked like a regular person of the second estate's house would look like. The thing that immediately caught her attention, however, and the giant chandelier. France counted about 30 twinkling jewels and candles before she gave up. She supposed she was in some sort of waiting room, though she had never seen something like that. To her left was a grand ballroom, and to her right was a lovely sitting room.

"Tea?" Gaul asked, pointing towards what seemed to be the kitchen, or something of the sorts.

"Yes, please," France replied, somewhat awkwardly, while being lead to the sitting room.

"Marseilles!" Gaul called, aiming her head up and over her shoulder. "Get this young lady some tea please!" A few minutes later, a girl wearing a black and white shawl came out with some tea.

"So," Gaul started, taking a sip of tea. "What happened?"

When France had finished telling her aunt the story, the first thing that she said was, "Yeah, I expected that."

"You... did?"

"I did."


"I didn't expect, however, that Normandy would be the one to marry you off. I thought it would've been your father.

"You do realize that your father is most likely preparing for war, right?"

France nearly spit out her tea. How she could be so utterly stupid, is a mystery to me. "What?!"

"Yeah, why do you think you were able to escape so easily?" Gaul waved her previous words away. "Anyway, you obviously don't want war. So I think I can help you."

Going back to the regular updating schedule, whoohoo!

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