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        So this was what her life had come to. Seeing her sister get dragged away by the monster that France called her father. It was disgusting, really.

Monarchy didn't really mind being a ghost. She didn't really need to eat, or drink, or sleep. All she did was float around, free from the responsibilities of ruling a country. And she had no injuries, aside from the bandages around her neck from when she was beheaded. She held no hard feelings against France, in fact, it was kind of freeing. She really didn't have to do anything, just walk around, and earlier she had figured out how to float. It was slightly challenging, yes, but who cares? She wasn't going to be doing anything else in her death.

Teleportation, however was a talent she had yet to master.

And as of right now, it was something that she really needed to learn.

The imminent doom that awaited her was just at the murky blackness of the sea. See, ghosts... they could die. It was a strange concept, but while they were very strong and could withstand most anything that would kill a human, water was their fatal weakness. And this, this could unlock permadeath for a ghost like a premature ghost like Monarchy.

Concentrate! The voice in her head shouted at her. Teleportation! You've been a ghost for too long to not know this! She told the voice to shut up.

Monarchy considered herself lucky to be a ghost. Whatever happened with permadeath, or normal death for non-ghost people, she didn't want to know. She thought it was just a blank wasteland of nothing. And she would miss so much if that happened.

And that's why she had to keep working.

Come on, up! She internally yelled. In the back of her mind, she knew it was pointless. She was going to die, she couldn't stop it. It was the same suffocating feeling she had gotten when France was about to behead her.

She had been so young. They both were, Monarchy was 16 and France... France was 11. How the author ever decided to not keep track of dates- uh, I mean, how France had overthrown her was beyond a mystery to her. Monarchy would've just past her 23 birthday, yet she was kept in the annoying body of a sixteen-year-old.

Monarchy had given up on the whole teleportation thing. She was going to die. There wasn't anything she could do about it.

Who would've thought a simple misstep would've taken her to her death? Ghosts were supposed to be immortal, what happened to that?

God, she hated boats.

A black abyss.

Floating. No; sinking.

And then nothing.

It was horrible. France loved her sister, despite chopping her head off. It was just a phase. France knew about the dangers of water to her sister, about permadeath.

It was just, she was hoping that she could spend the rest of the time she had on earth with her sister. But with one misstep, Monarchy had left her.

As for France, two people she couldn't possibly fight and win were dragging her back to the holding cells. She was trying to take her mind off of what was occurring currently by focusing on other things. How shocked Monarchy looked when Jack first saw her. When France first realized she could see ghosts. The one moment with her mother. How had everything spiralled out of hand since then?

She just wished she could go back to the old days, the good memories before all of this shit had happened. It all washed away when she met Jack.

Was it his fault?

No, it couldn't have been. Maybe it was some unknown force that was hellbent to ruin her life. All she wanted to do was to just... live her life. She didn't ask to be a princess. A queen.

Cold stone bricks hit her skin as she was thrown on the floor. That was great. This was great.

Everything is fine. She repeated to herself, curling inwards to conserve heat.

Everything is fine.

Everything is fine.

Everything is not fine. 

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