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      "Wow, this is..." Spain looked around her again. "Beautiful."

She let out a sigh. The girl hadn't been so relaxed in so long. It felt good to let go, to let go of her worries, drop them down the side of the tower she was on, if only for but a second.

Somehow, in her struggles, she had found a creaky staircase that led to the top of a building. She could see everything from here. Every exchange between friends, every argument, every young pickpocket, going the route that was unthinkable for royals, yet true within so many people. They only wanted to feed their families. They didn't want that.

Damn, Spain's thoughts were getting more and more poetic as she continued further with her quest. When she got home she was definitely writing something.

A mental map of how to get to her destination formulated in her mind as she took another look at the city. Finally, she knew where she was going. The creepy tower helped her, apparently.

Feeling her confidence skyrocket through the roof, she climbed down the dinky staircase and was on her way to the weird castle that Jack lived in.

What she was going to do there, was out of her mind.

"Where is she?" Normandy begged one of the guards. She didn't know about any of this. She just thought Vichy had put her in her designated cabin on his ship, not locked her up due to both of their terrible tempers.

"I told you, miss, she was her one moment, then gone the next." The guard looked uncomfortable. Was he hiding something?

"I can get you killed in a minute." Normandy whispered in his ear.

"Miss!" He cried. "I swear! I never saw her do anything, that's all, I swear, she was there one moment and gone the next!" He cleared his throat. "But, if it helps, miss, I swear, we did find these in the lock that she was in." He held out two pins, both gold. They had the initials of A.V.

Oh god. She knew those initials. She knew that style of hairpins. "Avignon?"

Back upstairs, Normandy dashed over to the king. He was pouring over a map, his robes thrown over a chair so he was in pants and a white shirt.

"Vichy?" She yelled. He looked over at her, cruelty smelting in his eyes.

"Yes, dear?" Normandy took a quick, deep breath. When he called her dear, it was never good. It could only mean one thing. He wanted to kill someone.

Normandy shook that feeling off. The news about Avignon would help, though she had mixed feelings. Avignon was her favorite servant, and she was slightly proud of France for escaping.


"The guards have informed me that these hairpins were found in the lock of the cell France was in." She handed the hairpins to Vichy. He studied them for a minute.

"Thank you." He took a deep breath. "You've been crucial to our operation. This strengthens it." Normandy didn't really like the past tense he was using. Another deep breath. A paper that Normandy hadn't noticed was handed to her. Then a pen.

"It would be really perfect of you... if you could sign here. It'll help with the war efforts, I promise." She looked back at him, then to the pen. There was a place for her to sign, it would be easy.

"Yeah." She muttered. "Of course, just one second." She let out a cough and wiped her mouth with her handkerchief.

"I will have to execute Avignon for this, you understand." Normandy looked back at him. "We can't something like this go unpunished, you understand."

"With death? Vichy, I don't think this is the right way-"

"Sign the damn paper, Normandy." She gulped, and turned back to the paper. With shaky hands, she wrote down her name.

"Thank you." He said with a smile. "Let me see you, I haven't seen you in forever." He murmured. Normandy smiled. He wasn't always like this, she had to savor the moment while she could. Goddammit, she still loved the idiot. She pulled him in for a kiss, and then leaned back. Cold metal touched her forehead.


Vichy smiled, crookedly, with no sense of the warmth that he had just a second ago. "Like I said, dear, you've been crucial to our operation. But now it's time to say goodbye, darling." He coughed. "Any last words?"

The gun. She hated that gun. "Go to fucking hell." She snarled.

And he blew her brains out.


frukin' wattpad murdered the formatted, like i spent five minutes making PARAGRAPHS

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