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        Ireland had decided, no, he wouldn't go with Vichy. He went the complete opposite way, running and running until he was far enough into the crowd for Vichy to find him. And while all shit went down in France, he was up in Birmingham, having a really good time. (Wow. I'm worse at English/French geography then I thought. oops.)

That was, of course, put on hold when he got a letter stating that he needed to come to London immediately. From whom? His son, of course. Contemplating this letter was done too late, when he was on a horse, going straight to London.

Naturally, all his paranoid thoughts came back in an instant.

Shit, Ireland, my god, what if it's a ploy. What if it's that asshole who's now more angry then ever. Shit. You idiot.

He roughly shoved these thoughts into the box in his mind labeled; Go Away Intrusive Thoughts. Then he willed his horse to go a little faster.

Back at home, Northern and Wales were getting increasingly more and more worried. Jack was showing signs of depression and maybe the slightest bit of insanity, laughing in his room all alone, letting out small giggles, talking to the air and calling it Mom, and generally making the cousins more worried then ever. (Oh my god, pub & go just started playing and i cannot do this-)

And while he wasn't doing that, he was furiously scrawling in a notebook, one that he wouldn't let neither Northern nor Wales view.

"I'm mailing my dad." Northern suddenly said one day. Wales, reading a book, looked up at him. "What?"

"I said, I'm mailing-"

"I heard what you said, but, well, why? You don't even know where he is?"

Northern, not realizing that not everybody knew what he did, yelled out dramatically, "Yes I do!"

Wales threw her hands up in surrender. "Okay, chill out!" She went back to reading as her brother sat at the desk writing on a piece of parchment paper, because where else would he write it? A few minutes later, Wales spoke up again. "How do you even know that he'll receive the letter? He could be in America for all we know!"

Under her breath she added, "and for good reason." This didn't go unnoticed by her cousin, who looked at her with some sort of quizzical look.

"I mean, what reasons does he have to stay here? His sister is dead, and tension are rising, if you haven't noticed." Northern thought about this for a second, and thought, Yeah, she does have a point. But when have you agreed with her on anything?

Northern stared at her for a good 30 seconds before he continued to ignore her and write his letter.

There's a certain somber that befalls when you set out for a journey. This was exactly what France was feeling at the moment, when she went to go find Spain. Her letter that she sent got a response in record time, which France found wonderful. That was the only part that she thought was wonderful.

Everything else was complete Shit with a capital S.

Firstly, Spain was in the UK, which meant that France had to go back, find her, get back in time to give the key to her aunt, and go down to the south to give whatever Gaul had for her to her dad, and maybe kill him (she hoped, though she would settle for a good punch.) in two weeks. That was something France considered impossible.

Of course, when did the impossible stop her?


school needs to go away

very infrequent updates because ~ h e t a l i a ~

ok bye


(ps. we're very close to the end and i don't know how to feel about this. sorry for the short chapter i didn't mean it) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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