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When Jack had finally realized that his sister was running the entire country, it was way after Germany had left.

He got off his ass and started talking to Wales, that she should've just came to him and yell at him, telling him to actually do something. Wales sheepishly smiled, but underneath he could tell that she had too much stress on herself, levels that should not have been okay for a twelve year old. Poor girl. Jack mentally slapped himself when that happened.

Quickly getting back on track, he began to understand what the state of the world was in. Well, his world, AKA The UK. The guilt of being oblivious to his sisters troubles weighted him down, half forgetting about France. Germany wasn't off his mind though (Germany x UK is the real ship here) And his dad too? Where the heck was he? Turns out, England had died in a storm accident on a ship a week or two ago. But he wasn't that important. So we'll ignore him. He hadn't become a ghost. He had nothing or any "unfinished business" to do.

Opening, his eyes, he was greeted with sunlight and the fact that she had slept in. Again. Strange, that Northern nor Wales had come to wake him up. Wales said that Northern found a medicine to take because of his sickness, and they could only wait and see. Though Northern was already feeling better, he said. Bouncing around the castle with a jolly smile. It was hard to believe that he wasn't sick.

Things were almost normal, almost. No one could ignore the fact that they were, well, ignoring the situation, which was something a lot of young people would have done.

Northern was determined to stop ignoring the obvious. they were despairingly weak, with nothing to guide them. No parents, and who trusted the words of advisers? That's right, no one.

He knew what was happening, he had caught word of it while in the town. He had to let the others know. He had to.

Wales seemed very inclined to not let him tell his older brother.

"No way." She said. Her fett were a tad farther apart than shoulder lenght, and her whole body was tense. Her hands were stilll at her side, though they looked ready to pop up at any gicen moment. She was angled slightly off, and the hallway she was block was percisly the onw he needed to get through in order to see United.

"Let me see him! It's important!" Northern Ireland whined, trying to push through the impenetrable wall known as his sister.

"You can't put even more pressure on the guy?"

"But he needs to know, and you need to stop being oblivious!"

Her glare hardened. "No, I'm not being oblivious, I'm just biding my time,"

"We're not going to be able to do that for much longer!" He could feel his voice getting louder. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he could see that Wales didn't budge.

Northern pinched his nose and shook his head. "Come with me," He knew that a long walk in the garden would help clear the other's mind and help see his side.

And it did.

When they came back, they both sat on the couch as an unnamed person brought them some tea, black tea for Northern and whatever Wales had.

The Welsh girl took a small sip out of her cup. "Yeah-" the rest of her sentence was cut off by her finding the right words. "I think we should tell UK-"

"Tell me what?"

My bros and brosn'ts, I'm really sorry for uploading on a not Sunday. I didn't have it ready on the weeks before two days ago Sunday, and I forgot to upload it last Sunday. :(


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