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        France enjoyed humming military songs as she worked. Marche pour la Cérémonie des Turcs was one of her personal favorites. When a few generals were visiting, one of them was humming the song, and France fell in love with the world of military hymns. Currently, she was humming La Marche Des Combattant while gently dipping her pen in ink.

Finally, when she reached something she was proud of, she let her back lean up against the chair that she was in and look it over just one more time. She then sealed it off, and gave it to the person that delivered mail to people.

When France was young, letters were not a thing that she enjoyed writing. She thought they were a waste of time, when you could just go over the to person's house/country to talk to them. Now letters may have saved her life twice over.

She looked at the bookshelf next to her, looking for something to- No! That was something Jack did. And France was attempting to seal herself away from that man.

She couldn't deny it. She loved him. That wasn't supposed to happen. They were supposed to be married, then stay as maybe, possibly friends at the best, and barely communicate with each other at the worst. Love was not part of the question.

Love is not part of the question. She basically hissed.

But that was not something that she needed to worry herself over. No, what she needed to do was to come up with a foolproof plan just in case Spain didn't get her letter, refused to help, or really anything of the sort. She could say no, that's not very kind of you. But that would only work if this was a children's picture book. This book has no pictures, nor is it for children, so obviously that wouldn't work. She could kill her father... nah, France didn't think she had that in her.

She was about to give up and just cross her fingers and hope for the best, but something hit her like a train. And she ended up not crossing her fingers.


The only word on Monarchy's head was shit.

How could've she been so stupid? A few more hours, and she'd end up with the homeless people, the children, the grandparents with no one to hold on to. She'd be stuck, aimlessly wandering around with no purpose, no conscience, no memories. Just like those in the Greek myths she had heard. They couldn't go to any heaven, nor could they go to hell, because they had business or something they needed to do.

She'd lost France. Losing France meant losing her life. If she couldn't find France soon, she'd lose her memories, conscience, and purpose. She kind of wanted to keep those.

Quickly, Monarchy ran through the book she had read.

When a tethered soul's host is far enough away, within the course of a day, the soul will fade. Their memories, conscience and purpose will leave, and they will be cursed to wander.

France was her host. She lost France. This was bad, this was very, very bad, and Monarchy could not find a way out of the strenuous situation, no matter how hard she tried to prevent it.

And yes, of course, she could find France, but that would soon prove to be futile. The Kingdom of Normandy was far too large for the lone lady to search in a little less than a few hours.

A few deep breaths did nothing to calm her nerves.

Relax, Monarchy, it'll be fine. Of course, she knew. How could it be fine? For, this was the first time in her death she didn't have a plan.

ok yeah sorry this was late, i'm on vacation and also i don't even like countryhumans anymore, but you bet your ass i can't live without fruk (i'm gonna finish this i swear)

anyway if you use green onions in your cooking a lot, it's easier to grow them in a pot next to your sink. saves money and they're really easy to grow 

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