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"We're pretty sure that the people down south are gonna invade us," Jack nodded in response to Wales' unasked question. "And?"

"Uh..." Wales shifted uncomfortably in her seat, begging Northern soundlessly to go on for her. He said nothing, but instead looked away. "We're pretty unprepared."

"Yeah, and?" Frankly, Wales was slightly shocked that Jack could be so oblivious.

"And... we might need to become more prepared.

Jack took a deep breath and stared at them. "So you thought I didn't know this... why?"

"You've been kind of avoiding it, so we... uh we thought-"

"You thought wrong." He growled, stalking away.

It would have been helpful if France had some knowledge of Versailles.

The close city, next to her mother's kingdom's capital was one that France had unfortunately never gone to in her life.

After breaking free from her restraints and guards using a well-known technique called 'bribing', she walked for a few hours until she reached the nearest city, Versailles. (Sorry if this is completely off, what is French geography)

Though the bustling metropolis was something that she did not hope for at all. Of course, it would help with blending in, and she looked like a dirty peasant girl, which helped more. But she hoped there would be a small town around, one that she could get in and out. This, the seventh largest city in France, was not a small town.

Her eyes wandered from stall to shop to building. Nothing held what she needed the most, bread and a change of clothes. Jiggling the meager amount of money she had in her hand. she slowly remembered something. Well, no.


"Mama, where are we going?" Her mom chuckled at the young girl's broken English. Normandy had been trying to convince France that she needed to learn the language, just in case.

"To your aunt's house," Normandy replied.

France tried hiding her disgust at her mom's words, she had hated her aunt, which was no surprise to Normandy. While she was lovable, she was also very tough, and was undeterred to shape France into the best possible person.

"Come on dear, " Normandy smiled. "Let's go to aunt Francia."

'Let's go to aunt Francia.' France thought to herself. Sure, it had been a solid 13 years since she last saw her aunt, but screw that, you know?

She wasn't even sure if she remembered the address. Honestly, she hoped her muscle memory wouldn't fail her after all these years. And it didn't. Her legs took her all the way to the outskirts of Versailles, in front of a very familiar looking house. She walked up to the door, grabbed the big, slightly rusted copper door knocker, and knocked.

Finding a ship to the British Isles was harder than Spain thought. Firstly, she had to find a place where people didn't give a damn if you were going somewhere, which was nearly impossible. Then second, everyone knew her face, and everyone was also very terrifying. Third, she had to battle her own common sense, and tried convincing herself that she was doing it for a reason.

She would think sometimes, 'It's because Portugal wants me to go,' but she had refused a lot of Portugal's requests, so why couldn't she refuse this one?

Then, she thought, 'Well, my mom would have wanted me to do this.' Deep down inside, she knew that her mom wouldn't have told her to go follow a map if Spain didn't want to.

No, Spain was doing this because she wanted to. Not because of her mom, not because of her brother, not because of anyone else.

Just herself.

Pulling out of her extremely deep thoughts, she let the warm air surround her. She had finally gotten a damn ship to ride on, one that was transporting goods to Ireland, and were willing to give her a ride to help Her Majesty the princess Spain.

It's tough being an almost queen.

It's been so long since I graced thee with an author's note, so here it is, ta-da

if you can't tell, I'm nearing closer and closer to the end, and I have preparations for a new book underway. FrUK (of course) but more gay and more soulmatey. Ya know. Would y'all be interested in that?

So yay


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