Chapter 13

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The next morning, I am in the kitchen making a coffee when dad comes in, grinning, the largest smile I have ever seen.

"Jennie! I got it! I got the deal with that client!" He exclaims, crushing me in a hug. When he lets go, I see my mum walking into the room.

"You got it?" She asks, practically jumping on her feet.

"Yes, Mr Jackson's secretary is just off the phone. She even mentioned how much Mr Jackson liked you." He says, turning to me.

"Me?" I ask.

"Yes, apparently his son, Youngdon, had nothing but good things to say about you. Thank you so much." He hugs me again.

"What is going on?" Yeri asks, walking into the room followed by Irene and Mino.

"Your father got the client!" Mum tells them.

"Well done,"


"Brilliant," They all respond at once.

"I better get going, I don't officially start until Friday, but I have to go get things sorted." Dad says, practically skipping out of the room, grabbing his car keys on the way.

"We better get going as well," Mino says, grabbing an apple and heading out of the house.

"Have a good day." Mum shouts.

"Ok, so remember we are going straight to my driving test after school, so no one can be late getting out." Mino tells us all, as we walk towards the school doors.

"Yes, Mino, we know you have told us four times already this morning," Irene tells him, sounding bored.

"Well then, make sure you aren't late." He says, smiling at her before walking towards his friends, Irene following.

"Jennie. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Rosé says when I sit beside her in History later that day.

"It's only been a few days," I laugh, "How are you feeling anyway?"

"Oh, much better, must have been one of those one-day flue things," She tells me, as Lisa and Jisoo walk into the room.

"Come on Chu, tell me," Lisa was saying, sounding half annoyed and half excited.

"Shut up," Jisoo tells her, walking around me to get to her seat. Lisa sits down beside her.

"You seriously aren't going to tell me who is it?" Lisa asks, getting irritated.

"I'm not telling you because there isn't anyone," Jisoo responds, keeping her voice low, yet Rosé and I can easily hear. We were both sitting slightly back in our seats, angled so it looks like we are talking. We loved it when Lisa and Jisoo start arguing, as it was always over something really stupid.

"Yes, there is! I found a hair tie in your car! You never wear that kind of hair tie, unless you have started using them, you had another girl in your car. So just tell me who it was." Lisa is saying. My eyes snap to my wrist, where my hair tie usually sits, finding it empty. Shit, I must have dropped it last night. I freeze, realising they were talking about me. Lisa knows that a girl was in Jisoo's car, yet doesn't know who, making me relax slightly.

"Lisa, honestly it doesn't matter," Jisoo says and I instantly realise her mistake.

"So you admit there is someone, but she doesn't matter enough for you to tell me who it is?" Lisa calls out on her slip.

"Look, can we stop talking about this?" Jisoo asks.

"When you tell me who it is." Lisa says, hopefully.

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