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𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬

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𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬


"SO, YOU HAVE BEEN TRYING TO deter Sherlock Holmes, the mastermind of detective work, from... finding Enola?" Amelia almost laughed at his uncertainty at her situation. She would agree that Enola didn't leave her on the easiest mission, but he made it sound like she was doing the impossible, which was only slightly true. Amelia was creative, something that intrigued Sherlock from the very time he met her. He couldn't always be ready for what she bad planned.

"Well, if letting a muddy stray into the room with him counts as deterring," she giggled, glancing up at him. Her eyes were full of warmth as she looked him over. All her thoughts and feelings of missing him were put to a rest and she could enjoy his presence once more. They were walking along one of the many parks in London, catching up on what they had missed in each others absence.

Tewksbury had been exploring London under the radar of those searching for him, and working at the Covent Garden Market. He was finding new areas that he insisted he had to show her, claiming that they were the spots to be in London. She had agreed, not only because she had little time to explore the grand city, but also because he wanted to take her. Amelia couldn't hide the toothy grin when he offered to escort her... as a date. She almost screamed on the spot, but she held it in, responding as sassily as she could. He only chuckled, shaking his head with a small blush on his cheeks.

"I can't believe I actually made it to London," he whispered, looking out at the city, where carriages drove by peacefully, the business hour traffic toned down, and the rush of the crowds slowly dispersed into buildings. Amelia liked this version of him better. Where he wasn't so worried or stuck up. He was truly happy working in London, surrounded by flowers.

"Yeah, it is pretty hard to believe. I mean, you aren't the sharpest. Remember when you fell out of that bag on the train?" She shot, a laugh bubbling out of her at his eye roll. He looked offended, coughing back his laugh with a faux scoff. His eyebrows furrowed as he placed a hand on his chest, "I meant to do that, and you know it, Hastings."

"Mm, yes. I remember now. Your 'daring escape' as you called it. Well planned," her eyes twinkled with amusement, making a smile make it's way on his face. He loved her smile. With a daring breath, she grabbed his hand, her heart racing. But he didn't seem to mind, only glancing down at the entwined fingers with a soft smile.

"You wound me."

The two enjoyed their stroll along the walkway until the sun was dipping in the sky and the city was turning in for the night. Shops were closing, street lamps were turning on, and the streets were emptying. Neither of them said anything, both too caught up in the moment. Amelia gazed up at the stars in wonder, tightening her hold on his hand. It felt right. She didn't know what would happen between them, as he was on the run, and she was bound to return home, but at that moment she didn't care.

"Will you escort me to my inn?" She looked up at the boy, finding his eyes already on her. The short haired girl tilted her head in question. Tewksbury nodded in response, letting her lead the way.

The walk was short, saying the inn she was staying at was not too far from the park. But every step felt like a weight was dragging her down. She didn't want to say goodbye to the boy. Enola would be returning the next day if everything went to plan, and she didn't know if she could see him again.

With a frown on her face, Amelia slowed to a stop in front of the inn. The lights in the office were still on, and her room key felt like a thousand pounds in her pocket. Upon noticing her frown, Tewksbury nervously scratched the back of his neck, averting his gaze.

"W-will I see you tomorrow?" He asked, the anxiousness clear in his voice. Amelia shrugged, folding her hands together. She didn't like it any more than he did, but she was worried that she wouldn't see him again. Once Enola, if she did, found her Mother, Amelia would be heading back home. She would be in a lot of trouble, whether from her Father or her Mother. Abigail would be as frantic as ever when she was gone for a while, but she never had a say.

Amelia didn't want to go back home. It wasn't even her home, and she would be forced into finishing school and married off before she turned seventeen. That wasn't a life that she wanted. Amelia craved adventure, and a lively life. She didn't want to end up like her Mother, a child breeder to a man who only wanted to show her off to all his friends. But as Eudoria would say 'such is a world we live in'

"Amelia, will I?"

"I don't know, Tewksbury. The decision is not mine, and Enola will be back tomorrow." She brushed a hand through her hair, turning back to the boy. He seemed saddened by her answer, casting his eyes to the ground. The wind whipped at her, blowing her hair and dress back. Her heart racing, Amelia stepped closer to him, placing a gentle hand on his cheek.

"Thank you for walking me here, Tewksbury," she once again leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, making him flustered. A grin on his face, he watched her get in safely before making his journey to his place of stay, a skip in his step.


mo is typing . . .


this chapter actually took a while! we are coming up on the end of the book soon!

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