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𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬

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𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬


When the cart reached London, Amelia grew excited. She had always wanted to adventure in the crowded streets and duck into the small, hidden buildings. She had visited with her family, but she was mostly forced to stay inside because of her Father's wishes. She watched with wide eyes full of wonder as fancy horse carriages and elegant matching horses trotted by, followed by the hoards of people, and even some herds of sheep and chickens. No one seemed to care they were on the road and flowed together in her perfect manner, not one person tripping up. It was unusual, and Amelia assumed she would be embarrassing herself later on.

Enola peered with confidence, hopping off the cart much to Amelia's dismay. The Holmes girl turned around, offering Amelia a hand off the cart, to which she accepted, brushing the hay off her clothing. Tewksbury seemed upset as his head snapped up to the two of them.

"Oh, so this is where we part?" He looked down as Amelia caught his eye. She felt bad for the boy, of course, but she would forever choose Enola over someone else. Enola was the first friend Amelia ever had, as she wasn't much of a 'pristine girl'. They had been through everything together. Even if it hurt to leave Viscount's side, Amelia had to do it. But something told her she'd be seeing him again, and the small smile of reassurance seemed to go miles for the boy.

"It is," Enola answered, brushing off her trousers. Amelia took a deep breath, glancing at the streets she didn't know. She was lucky Enola was with her. The thought made her anxiousness fade away, and she looked at her best friend with a smile. There was one thing to know about Enola, and that was her stubbornness. Amelia had no choice but to adventure, or waste away into nothing in her parents estate. Enola had a choice, and a life to live, and she lived it indeed. All thanks to her Mother, and Amelia was determined to help find her.

"Then, thank you, Enola Holmes, Amelia Hastings, for helping me here."

"I know I'm picky with who I befriend, but I don't mind you much anymore," Amelia offered with a sly smile, to which he rolled his eyes in a fake annoyed way. She could feel her heart quicken at his lopsided grin.

"Maybe it's the near-death experiences? Those tend to bring people closer together." She laughed and Enola held a small smile. Feeling a burst of confidence, Amelia shuffled toward the boy and leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. A light blush covered her cheeks as she felt Enola starring bullets into the back of her head, but she ignored her bestfriend, focusing on the tomato red boy.

"Good luck, Tewksbury."


THE LAST PLACE AMELIA ASSUMED ENOLA WOULD GO, would be a garment store. But it wouldn't be the worst thing, as Amelia had abandoned her bag in the train when they were chased by the Bowler hat man. Amelia knew Enola wouldn't come unprepared, so when the girl passed her a few paper bills, Amelia was whisked away by one of the fitting ladies. She walked along the rows of wonderful dresses, eyeing each one with hesitation. She wanted something mobile, but also well fitting and pretty. There was no way she would trudge around in a tight corset and hip enhancement like most 'proper' ladies.

When she reached the end of the isle, she halted in her steps, turning around. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of a soft baby blue dress hiding between the racks of decorative garments. A smile tugged at her lips as she pulled the dress off the rack, admiring it. She could tell the the fitting lady was confused at why a plain dress as such would be her choice.

The dress was perfect in Amelia's eyes. It was a nice length, hugging her waist but ruffling down to boot length. It fluffed up around the chest area with a white lace top, but was rather comfortably tight. It had white strips around the sleeves and small bows decorating the collarbone outline. Feeling a burst of excitement, she giggled, fleeing to the dressing room. Sadly she had to put a corset on to fit the dress perfectly, but she could leave the hip enhancements off.

"I'll take this one," Amelia spun around to show the fitter, and the lady nodded in surprise, a smile on her face.

"It looks lovely!" She clapped, admiring Amelia's choice. The girl exchanged her money and once everything was paid for, she sauntered over to the dressing room where Enola was. Just as she arrived, Enola emerged. Her eyes widened, jaw dropping. Enola had a gorgeous ruby red dress with a flattering neck line and ruffles on her sleeves. Like Amelia's, it was tight around the chest and had ruffles down her legs, but hers was complimented with a golden satchel. Her hair was braided to the side and she had some makeup on.

"You look gorgeous, 'Nola," Amelia complimented. The two girls joined sides and looked at the owner, who was skeptical of them at first, but now seemed amazed at how they cleaned up. They glanced at each other, then turned to her.

"Now, where might we find a lodging house. I'll pay handsomely for good value."



i am fully aware i was taking a break, but seeing this at 5k made me happy, so here you go <3
i've had this written for a while but no inspiration to publish it ... anyways have a good holidays if you celebrate, and if you don't have a good day anyways :)

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