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𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭

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𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭


AMELIA LET OUT AN EXCITED LAUGH, desperately clinging onto her friends sides as they sped down the driveway of Miss. Harrison's on an automobile. Amelia couldn't believe her eyes, as even though her family was well off, they weren't close to having the expenses for a car. Tewksbury grabbed her hand, pulling her closer as she squeaked when Enola drove over a pothole. She couldn't help but blush, her heart swelling at the action. But her mind was elsewhere, everything flying by at a rate she hadn't felt since the train. She couldn't believe that the marquess had managed to get them out of the boarding school. His ruse worked, and Enola and her were quick to escape. She was elated, sitting beside the two, head resting on Tewksbury's shoulder. He tensed at the action but quickly relaxed, only squeezing her hand tighter as he and Enola bickered.

The Holmes' girl was quick to rip off the collar on her dress, Amelia following. It felt like she could breath again, set free from the confines that Miss Harrison's school had on her. But her heart was racing for another reason, as she put all her trust into Enola to drive. The girl accidentally shot forward, nearly missing the hedge surrounding the property. Amelia closed her eyes, an excited scream escaping her lips as Enola narrowly managed to steer the automobile away from the leaves.

"Thank you. That was, uh, that was. You did save us," Enola choked out, watching the road ahead as she glanced between it and the boy sat beside her. Amelia cracked a smile, knowing the young detective wasn't one for apologizing. She meant well and that was what mattered.

"Yeah, thank you." Amelia smiled up at him, noticing how a dark red creeped up his neck. Tewksbury had yet to really look her over, a cheesy grin appearing on his face as he squeezed her hand in response. The three continued on the road, Amelia once again sitting back and letting the countryside air enter her lungs. It was like the night they slept under the stars after loosing the bowler hat man. The sky was huge, a blue expanse and there were only a few clouds in the sky. It was a perfect day, a day where historically she would be climbing trees with Enola out back in their property, playing pirates and having a sword fight in the morning sun. A day where she could see herself sitting at the bay window of the library with Abigail as she taught the older lady how to read, (something she never got to learn), and laugh her heart away when Abigail made a funny mistake. She could picture herself laying in the Mason's garden on a blanket, basking in the heat with Marcus until the evening.

But yet, here she was, escaping a boarding school that her own family had sent her to be rid of her. It wasn't like she would trade her experiences for the world, as her and Enola had only endured what would keep Tewksbury safe, and it wasn't too hefty a price to pay. The boy had come back for them anyways.

"I didn't like it in there, and I doubt Amelia did either," Enola kept her eyes straight on the road, but her voice was full of emotion, the adrenaline from escaping packed with all the bottled emotions she had kept inside while in the school. Amelia felt the same, thinking of all the times she wished to scream at her instructors.

"No. No, of course not." His tone was dripping in amusement.

"Now, let's get back to London and find a proper hiding place." Just as the words left his mouth, the brakes squeaked as Enola slowly stopped the automobile. Both Tewksbury and Amelia stared at her incredulously, wondering what had gotten into her. It seemed Enola didn't quite know either, as she stared long and hard at the road before her before she made a choice, launching forwards again, "We need to go to Basilweather."

"What?" Both Amelia and Tewksbury screeched.

"Are you daft, Enola? They aren't the friendliest and they'll probably kill us all, especially him!" Amelia cried, looking around the marquess to see her friend's face. But she was met with a stonecold determination, something she had only seen a few times on her best friend.

"An injustice has occured. Its time to right some wrongs. You want a culprit, find the motive." Enola pulled out a newspaper, passing it between the two of them. Amelia grabbed one side, reading the bold headline with a scowl on her face.

"I don't understand." The two said at the same time, just trying to understand what she was on about.

"When were you due to be inducted into the Lords?"


"How would you have voted on the reform bill?"

"The same as my Father, I'd be for it."

Amelia sighed, rubbing her forehead. Of course it had to be another family member of the royal family trying to kill him.

"Who knew that?"

"And who stands to gain the estate with your Father dead and if you die?" Enola looked over at the boy, both girls watching him figure it out slowly. Amelia sighed, knowing it would be hard for him to loose another family member over a vote. But it was starting to make sense, with the amount she had told her happened at the estate. She squeezed his hand, pulling the newspaper over more so she could read.

"My uncle... you think this is my uncle's doing?"

"Doesn't it make sense?" Amelia nodded, bringing herself into the conversation again, "think about it, Tewksbury. If your uncle got the estate, he could take all the money and turn that vote for the tides. With you dead, nothing stands in his way."

"But he's a powerful man. What on earth could we do?"

"Solve the crime, of course." Amelia couldn't help the smile on her face, reaching over to shove her shoulder slightly. It was the Holmes' genetics that made them such good detectives, of course. Amelia never doubted it, from the moment she met the girl to receiving the fateful letter that would get her lost in this adventure, promising an investigation.

"Enola, we are extremely lucky to have lived this long, and you want to drive us into a place where there is most certainly danger?" Tewksbury questioned, throwing the girl a look that made even Amelia question their plan. He must have been nervous, considering he just figured out his uncle tried to get him killed. But Enola was serious, and that determined look on her face was enough for Amelia to know that nothing was going to change. They were going into that estate if it was the last thing they'd do.

"Sometimes, Lord Tewksbury, you have to dangle your legs in the water to attract the bloody sharks!" Enola snapped, glaring daggers into the boys face. Amelia winced.

"Why would we want to attract the bloody sharks?" He yelled back, growing angry at the lack of explanation from the two girls. They were quiet for a minute before Amelia let out a small chuckle, escalating into full blown laughter.

"Good point."


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