twenty four.

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𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

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𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧


THE LONDON STREETS WERE BUSTLING with activity. Carriages passing by outside the gates brought her comfort as the clicking of the horses hooves against the cobblestone roads provided a gentle rhythm, one that contrasted that of her heart beat. She was excitedly nervous, her fingers tapping against her thigh as she made her way towards the court room. She brushed the skirt of her dress down, still slightly peeved at how heavy it felt. But, Miss Abigail was certain that it would look the nicest with her curled hair pinned back into an updo (which made her look way too mature).

"Amelia, honey, don't even start complaining. You look beautiful!" Abigail encouraged, pushing the girl lightly by the shoulder to hurry up and meet up with the group. After the entire incident at the Tewksbury's estate, Amelia was offered a place to stay in the estate. With enough persuasion from Tewksbury, Amelia moved in. At first it was supposed to be temporary, but upon seeing how the two acted together, Tewksbury's mom allowed her to stay permanently.

Weeks had flown by and she sent a letter out to the Hastings family, particularly Abigail (under an alias of course). The woman knew it was Amelia through her writing and delicately placed hints that alluded to  the lady getting a job at the estate. The next day Abigail quit her job of twenty years and was accepted into a job at the Tewksbury's mansion. It wasn't too long before the woman worked as Amelia's private handmaid, much like old times. Months passed and the days grew better and better. Her and Tewksbury had been getting along wonderfully, their relationship blossoming into a beautiful pairing. According to Abigail, everyone was just waiting for them to get engaged, even his Mother. But, Tewksbury and her were both in agreement that that would have to wait a few years.

Enola had left shortly after the incident, having to disappear into hiding as the truth about the trio's affiliation was shared with the public. Sherlock never stopped looking for her, but he had given up on the prospect of turning Amelia in to her family. After seeing how happy she was, he decided to leave her be. The Holmes family wasn't blind to how Amelia was treated at home. Everything mellowed out for the three in their separate aspects. Amelia focused on getting an education in her spare time, Enola solving mysteries on her own, and Tewksbury taking his rightful place as Lord. They had traveled down into London for the big ceremony.

"I believe that Lord Tewksbury will think so too." Abigail brought her from her thoughts, smirking at the girl. With an eyeroll from Amelia, they entered the alley where a few men of the court and the House of Lords stood chatting, preparing for the events that would transpire later on. Amelia spotted Tewksbury near the door stood with his family, the boy looking nervous as his family fussed over him.

A small smirk crept onto her face as she neared her partner, quieting her footsteps to sneak up on him. He was facing away from her, talking to his Mother who was bugging herself over his outfit. Amelia hadn't seen him yet, but she could tell that he looked sharp in his new suit. His wild locks had been tamed into a rather smart looking hairdo, reassuring his status as the heir to the estate. After the few weeks of surviving alone in London, his previously chopped hair had been fixed by a hair dresser. Amelia took personal offense to the fact, thinking his slightly crazy hair made him look like he had a constant bedhead. Plus, it was her and Enola's skills that had made him look that way. At least they didn't force him to go bald!

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