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Chapter Two:
𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘆


"EXCUSE ME SIR," Amelia entered the compartment with an innocent smile, gently sliding it closed when Enola looked up, "There happens to be no other compartments open."

A cheeky grin grew on the disguised girl's face, and she jumped up, throwing her lanky arms around Amelia in a bone crushing hug. There was a moment of silence as the best friends savored each others company, tears welling up in Amelia's warm hazel eyes. It had truly been a while, as the Hasting's girl was visiting her older brother's home in London for most of the year. Being without her best friend was like torture. She was succumbed to the most annoying polite and ladylike year of her life. She craved adventure.

"What is it that troubles you, dear?" Enola responded with a fake accent, heavy on the English side, placing her hands on her hips. Amelia leaned back from the hug, a smile cracking on her lips. She responded in the most posh accent she could.

"Would it be too much trouble for me to join you?" After a moment, the girls burst out into a fit of giggles, collapsing on the booth seats with wide grins. After their laughter died down, Amelia sighed, resting her head on Enola's shoulder, "I missed you," she whispered. Being without a solid form of company for most of her year, Amelia had resorted to talking to random people on the streets of London. And they weren't too nice.

"Of course you did. It's me." Enola sassed, making Amelia let out another giggle. Before anything else was said, a shuffling caught both their attention. Amelia's eyes flickered up to the baggage rack, where a rather large trunk sat, shuffling around. Both girls were instantly on edge, staring in curiosity and caution as the something started stabbing through the soft material. Amelia gasped, covering her mouth as a hand poked through the hole, unlatching the bag.

"Seriously, could you two be any louder?" A masculine voice groaned as a head popped out of the bag. Amelia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as he tried to get out, shaking back and forth. Only one thing would happen, surely. Enola looked rather confused, staring with wide eyes as the boy tipped the bag right over the edge of the rail, crashing to the ground. Dust flew up everywhere, and Amelia scoffed in disgust.

"You're creating an awful ruckus yourself," she instantly shot back, crossing her arms over her chest. The boy looked around their age, with longer brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a curious look on his face. He was quite cute in Amelia's eyes. Enola looked nervous, her eyes flickering between the two and the door of their compartment hesitantly. It was almost like she knew something was wrong. It was then that Amelia remembered the earlier conversation on the platform.

"Please get out of this carriage." Her voice wavered, but he seemed not to slightest shaken and pocketed his knife. Amelia took note of his expensive attire and his grand entrance, quickly piecing things together. He definitely wasn't some peasant runaway. He was someone important. She tilted her head, glancing at Enola. She didn't know why Enola would be scared of a runaway.

"I can't. I'm in hiding." He smiled, lowering his voice as if someone was listening, looking at Enola carefully, then to Amelia. She narrowed her eyes, turning her head away, which intrigued him. But if Enola didn't trust him, she didn't either. They always had each other's backs. Always.

"Well, you're not off to a good start," Amelia started, motioning to the luggage stand that he fell from. He only rolled his eyes in response, continuing with his story as he stood up, sitting in the seat across from them like a normal human being. Well, as normal as a boy who fell out of a bag could be.

"Bit of a to-do. Bribed a porter to put me in this and get me onboard." He once again looked to Amelia, who ignored his gaze. Enola wasn't letting up as she gave him another look that had 'i couldn't care less' written all over it. The obviously wealthy boy gave the two a charming smile.

"Very daring," he said with the utmost confidence in himself. Amelia felt a smirk tug at her lips. So they were all in the same boat. Running away. Well, at least Enola and Amelia had plans of returning when they finished... whatever Enola had planned for them. Amelia had a feeling it wouldn't take long, especially with her friends' detective skills. They were on par with her famous older brother; Sherlock's.

"Get out of this carriage right now." Her words fell on deaf ears as he looked her up and down, resting his hand on his knee, "you're a strange looking gentleman." His gaze switched to Amelia as he quickly looked between the two. The girl's knew he could tell, as it wasn't like they were trying to be secretive about it. Plus, if you looked closely enough, you could tell some distinct feminine features on Enola's face.

"You think you look normal?"

"You're not a boy at all." He stated, so sure of himself it threw Enola off. She glanced at Amelia for some sort of idea, but the girl shrugged her shoulders, staying quiet. She didn't know exactly what to say to convince him of Enola's disguise, figuring he had already found out. So, the Holmes girl turned back with a glare at the randomly inquisitive boy.

"I might be a boy." She sassed, pursing her lips. Once again, the boy continued immediately. He was not looking for banter. He wanted her to tell him. Amelia grinned at their awkward interaction, already liking the boy. Sure, it was odd that he fell out of a bag in their compartment, but he had a sense of style and a way with words.

"Who are you?"

"What are you?"

"I'm Viscount Tewksbury, the Marquess of Basilweather." He introduced, sticking out his hand for Enola. Amelia perked up, recognizing the name from the papers. She had seen the last name on headers occasionally when she wandered by her father's paper stack. She wasn't allowed to read them (even though Enola and her mother taught her over the years), but she would look every now and then. Most of the time, just to refresh her mind and practice her skills, a small part of her wanted to know what else was happening outside her little world. Though Amelia never thought she would meet a Marquess in her life.

"You're a nincompoop."

"That's quite the name," Amelia directly commented, drawing both their attention. She leaned back into her seat, staring down the Marquess with interest and confusion. "I'm Amelia. Just Amelia." Viscount raised an eyebrow at her stare, ever so noticeably looking her up and down. Her warm brown eyes were icy towards him much like her companion, and he frowned. He would have to convince them both that he wasn't a bad person, just a marquess on a mission. So, he quickly let his hand drop when his title didn't proceed him.

"I'll have you know I have just undertaken a particularly dangerous escape -" he was cut off by Enola leaning forward swiftly.

"You have not escaped, there is a man in a brown bowler hat currently on this train searching for you and once he finds you he will think we helped hide you and we will be endangered by this." Enola snapped, motioning to the door of the compartment. Amelia nodded, everything fitting together. Of course, a marquess couldn't just leave without having someone on the train searching for him. And by the tone of Enola's voice, it wasn't a good thing.


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