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𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐨

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𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐨


EARLY IN THE MORNING ENOLA WOKE AMELIA, claiming to have scouted ahead and spotted the carts of traders heading to London. Relieved with the information, Amelia shook the tired boy beside her until he was up for good, dusting off her clothes from the dirt they slept on. She stood, feeling the pain in her back from the uncomfortable sleep. Viscount was nice enough to offer Amelia his jacket to protect her from the cold after the sun fell from the sky, which she appreciated. Though Enola was shooting her glances for the rest of the night, and wiggled her eyebrows in amusement.

They chatted about the day ahead before adding some wood to the fire and settling down for sleep.

"What time is it?" The boy grumbled tiredly, covering his eyes from the bright sunlight peeking through the trees. Amelia smirked, looking at her wrist in faux curiosity, "I don't know, let me check my watch." After a moment of realization, his eyes fluttered open and he glared at the cheery girl, hissing at his sore muscles as he sat up.

"Oh, very funny," he stood up, stretching his arms. Amelia grinned, about to comment on his messy hair, but Enola walked up, throwing her hands up at the two in exasperation.

"Quit flirting, start packing." She trudged towards the fire and gathered up the valuables. The other two grew quiet, flustered at her choice of words, and shuffled in their own directions. The rest of the morning consisted of awkward glances and random conversations. Before long, the trio had made it down the hill towards the roads. A train of carts were heading to the city, so they rushed to the closest one which was full of animals. Enola charmed the man into letting them sit on the back, and soon after they were on their way.

Amelia leant against the side, Tewksbury to her right and Enola beside him. Her mouth twitched every time they said something funny, but after a while, she stared down at the trail, lost in thought. It would be a long journey to the city, they'd arrive around the same time the next day, and then her and Enola would leave Viscount to his own devices. She felt a sudden wave of sadness at the thought.

For the first time in a while, Amelia was having fun. She enjoyed the childish banter and conversations they'd been having together. Viscount was a smart boy. Woefully unprepared, and extremely predictable, but smart, and of course he had a talent in humor. He made Amelia laugh more in a few days then her family had in her life. And he was undeniably cute. It was no secret that she was attracted to him.

Glancing up at the said boy, she smiled slightly. His hair looked fair for the girls' lack of hairdresser skills. It was short and styled in a boyish look, which made it appear darker. The shortened hair gave him a rather regal look, and looked far better than before in Amelia's eyes. No longer was he just cute. He was handsome.

Blushing at her own train of thought, Amelia shook her head, leaning her head on her arms to tune into the two's chat, sighing lightly.


BY THE TIME NIGHT ROLLED AROUND AGAIN, Enola had fallen asleep against the posts of the pen. That left Viscount and Amelia to talk amongst themselves, which was easier said than done. They were still a little sheepish from the incident. But Amelia wasn't stupid. She could see him glancing at her during the long silence, which only made her more aware. She wanted to look back. Catch his hazelnut eyes in a longing glance.

"I never got an answer from you." His voice was lowered, a precaution they both agreed to, not wanting to accidentally wake up Enola by being loud. Amelia furrowed her eyebrows, not knowing exactly what he was meaning. Seeing her confusion, he offered a bit more of an explanation.

"I asked why you two had run. Enola told me. You didn't." Amelia clenched her jaw, looking at him in silence before back at the trail. She shrugged, looking back at him.

"Well... the matter... it's.. kind of complicated," she smiled, embarrassed. He thought for a moment, then nudged her shoulder, tilting his head. Amelia almost fainted on the spot at how cute his eyes looked in the moonlight. He was feeling the same, a small smile tugging at his lips at her blush.

"You don't have to tell me now, but... well, you can trust me," He said after a moment of peace. She nodded timidly, averting her eyes as her blush worsened. He caught her blush! Amelia gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, trying to avoid embarrassing herself even farther.

"Yeah, I gathered."



for plot reasons I've extended the cart ride to a day. enjoy :D

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