❝ act one ❞

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❝ quite the adventure ❞


"amelia, darling, where are you off to?" the said girl paused in her fury of a rush, her outstretched hand faltering around the cold doorknob. she glanced across the room at abigail mccarthy, who stood in the doorway of the lounge, a basket of dirty clothes in her hands and her stance quite curious. ameila grinned, fluttering her eyelashes to the house keeper (who was quick to take notice of the packed bag by the door), with eyes full of childish excitement.

in her pale hands, she clutched a crisp and shiny envelope with only evidence of tearing on the side. the address was scribbled half heartedly, pointing to the fact that whoever had wrote it, was in just as much of a rush as amelia herself. the short haired girl waved the parchment around in wonder, hauling her bag over her shoulder.

"enola holmes requires my assistance," she smiled. "and i'm in desperate need of an adventure."

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