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𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤

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𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤


AMELIA WAS SURE HER HEART HAD STOPPED. A million thoughts came to her at once but she was unable to form any relative sentence. Stood in front of her, inside a box with that annoying smile on his face was Tewksbury. She had figured the time between them would lessen the feelings she had gained towards the boy, but they just exploded back into her face. Seconds passed as she took him in again, trying to wrap her head around the current situation. He was stood in their room, in the boarding house, after jumping out of a basket like he was used to finding the most unusual ways of sneaking into places he shouldn't be. By the elated look on his face and lightning in his beautiful eyes, she assumed he was high on the adrenaline from his success. He looked very adventurous— as if he could run across the country again and Amelia loved that about him. Being an avid adventurer, she found it easy to connect to people who loved it too.

"Tewksbury!" Enola lunged forward, enveloping the brunet in a hug and it seemed to snap Amelia out of it. Hesitantly her feet shuffled forward, burning in the tight restraints of her flats, a moments of hesitation was all it took for her to accept she was already tumbling down the hill at a fast pace. She bounced forward, wrapping her arms around the boy and dug her nose into the crook of his neck. It was like time stopped, clicking perfectly into place as the girls were reunited with their friend, and Amelia was reunited with her lover. He had stolen her breath, feeling her stomach explode in butterflies as he tightened the grip on her shoulders. Relief washed through the trio as the girls could finally relax.

Amelia hadn't stopped stressing about the whereabouts of the Lord, fearing the worst for him. She didn't want to believe the brown bowler hat man was up and ready to continue hunting but it was all she could think about. So being back in his arms made her shoulders fall, the previous tenderness unhinging.

"You worried me, Tewksbury." She mumbled, cheeks burning red as Enola let go, stepping back a bit. Amelia feared letting go, but not wanting the situation to be awkward, also released the boy, looking at him in a new light. He was dressed quite fancy black attire, a dress coat and a collared shirt. It was worn slightly from a cold winter but he still looked charming, making Amelia feel giddy. She had to roll her eyes, though, not knowing if the boy knew how to not look royal.

"Whoa. You're supposed to be helping me out, not getting in with me," he joked, excited to see the two. His eyes shifted between them, landing on Amelia more than he could tell, but he addressed the two formally, feeling confident that his plan worked. The twinkle in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by Enola, smirking over at her friend when he wasn't looking, scanning over their living quarters.

"How did you find us?"

"Well, you said you didn't want to come to Miss Harrison's finishing school for young ladies," He answered Enola, gesturing to the room they stood in. Amelia nodded, a smile tugging at her lips as she tilted her head at him. She still couldn't believe they stood in the same room after weeks of being apart. She had wondered so many things in the time at Miss Harrison's, but the main one always came back to if she would see Viscount Tewksbury, the marquess of Basilweather ever again. The short haired girl was glad she did if anything. Tewksbury chuckled, extending his hand to Amelia who's ears turned pink, "and, I heard some gossip about the 'Hasting's girl going back to finishing school'. So I assumed you would go to the same one." He seemed rather conflicted with the information, and her blood ran cold. The last thing Amelia wanted Tewksbury to know was that she was forcefully betrothed to another. He tugged the short haired girl closer to him, pressing a chaste kiss to her knuckles.

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