twenty three.

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THERE WAS A PAUSE. The echo of the gun in the hallway sent her heart dropping in her chest. Time stilled as Amelia watched Tewksbury get flung backward from the impact of the gun, landing a few feet behind them in a stunning silence. It only lasted a moment before screams that had been lodged in the girls' throats released. All thoughts about the perpetrator flew out of Amelia's head as she dropped herself to her knees beside the boy, silent, broken sobs following.

"Hey, hey! Wake up. Get up, no... I-I'm sorry, Tewksbury, please. No!" She cried, her hands bunching up the boy's shirt as she tried to coax him awake.

She hardly even registered what was happening before Enola was stopped before the lady by the click of the gun. Amelia looked up with a tear stained face, her expression growing cold as she stared at the woman with so many emotions that she herself couldn't decipher them. Through the overwhelming sadness there was an anger that took all of her senses at once as soon as she played into it. Suddenly, she stood up, her glare directed at the woman who would no doubt be ending their lives. Enola seemed to realize something she had not, though. As the gun lowered, Amelia realized it was empty. All the shots that the man before had took at them had been wasted.

"It's over. It's over." The lady looked at Enola, who stood face to face with her, then her eyes shifted over to Amelia, who still couldn't bring herself to walk too far away from Tewksbury's body. She seemed to be sad, but Amelia wouldn't let her guilt change the mood, or the situation. Enola took the gun from Tewksbury's grandmother's hands, turning around to look at the boy finally. She rushed over to the boy, crying over him as Amelia remained standing, looking at the murderer. She couldn't believe that his own family would do such a thing, especially for something as lowly as political standings. She wiped the tears off her cheek, looking over her shoulder at Enola, who was crying, shaking the boy to try and wake him up like she had prior. Amelia sniffled, shuffling forward to sit by Enola's side, hugging the life out of her.

After a few moments, Amelia's eyes honed in on the tiniest twitch of the boy's fingers. The short haired girl's mind stilled, and almost instantly she was by his side, slapping his face gently to get him up. The frown on her face turned into a scowl as she realized that he was alive. Shocked, but alive.


Tewksbury's eyes peeled open at her yelling, blinking rapidly as he adjusted to the aftermath of getting shot, "h-hey. I'm not entirely an idiot, you know." His shaky fingers unbuttoned his shirt, where a metal plate covered his stomach and chest, protection from a bullet. Amelia couldn't help but laugh, her arms wrapping around his neck as they toppled over, him hissing at the obvious pain of that movement. She didn't care though, hugging him as close as she could without injuring him more. Enola joined in the hug and the three held each other for comfort after that scary moment.

Amelia couldn't help the grateful tears that poured down her face, digging her face into his neck. He sat up more, hand rubbing her back as the other brushed over her hair. Sensing a moment, the Holmes' girl stood up, sending Amelia a short lived smile of encouragement. The girl blushed, but just held him tighter. No more did she have doubts about her feelings. After the scare of losing him, she couldn't imagine being with someone else.

Enola turning to face Tewksbury's grandmother, who watched the situation with an unreadable look. Her confidence falter and cracked, shattering into pieces in front of the three. The two joined her side, Tewksbury not once letting go of Amelia in fear that she would disappear on him, and the girl returning that hold of care just as much. The stared at the woman, who's breathing got heavier as Tewksbury threw the plate towards her.

"You're time is over."



short chapter to bridge the next few ones together.

im aiming for there to be four more chapters left, three from the movie and one fun extra chapter with some fluff for y'all <3

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