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Chapter One:𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻

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Chapter One:
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻


THE BUSTLE OF THE STATION MADE A SMILE CREEP ONTO AMELIA'S FACE. The girl had always enjoyed big crowds. Something about blending into a bigger picture made her content, feeling safe surrounded by tons of people. With a mission on her mind, she made her way through the crowds swiftly. Her hazel eyes flickered over every detail of the train station, trying to notice something likely unnoticeable. She knew very well that Enola Holmes was not one to be found when she did not want to be.

The large red shelter she wandered through held many benches, crowded and overflowing with luggage, people dotting from here to there, waiting in lines, exchanging money for tickets, hauling their bags along. Everyone had somewhere to go, somebody to see. Amelia noted the posters and note boards full of papers in all sorts of colors, documenting the stations, stops, and time schedules. Many signs were placed to direct the general crowd around, but those who were familiar with the bussle moved efficiently through the station. There were many people around, but there was no sign of the sixteen year old she was looking for.

The note in Amelia's hands felt as heavy as a brick the longer she wandered through the station, and she looked over it once more for any hidden clues. But alas, there weren't any cleverly hidden clues or secret messages ingraved, as it was a simple note with the address of the station. She would just have to keep looking and hopefully not miss her train while doing so.

Looking up, she halted in her steps. People were getting stopped by a man at the entrance way to the platform, and they handed him tickets before heading onto the train. She knew she didn't have enough change or time to run back and buy a ticket, nor did she want to spend her money on something so ridiculous. But, she would need to get by the ticket inspector.

Looking around for some sort of distraction, an idea popped into her mind. With a daring smirk, Amelia grabbed a stray rock from the side of the shelter and, with a flick of her wrist, threw it at a box of bottles in the pile of crates. It smashed against the box, making everyone in the near vicinity look that way, including him. She slipped past the man, holding her breath in fright and mere excitement. Surely she would be caught. He returned his gaze to the group of ladies he was letting through. At the turn of his gaze, Amelia ducked into stride with a pair of older ladies, their dresses rolling out in thick layers and blocking her boots from sight. They didn't notice her either, too consumed with their gossip about what peasant boy was responsible for breaking bottles.

Amelia let go of her breath, a feeling of mischievous exhilaration filling up her body. There wasn't much that Amelia enjoyed more than a thrilling adventure.

She was clear and ready to board the train, well, from the back and secretly, but still ready to go. But to her dismay, her keen ears picked up an argument from across the platform. She hesitated at the back of the train, casting a look over her shoulder. Two women were being escorted by some police men and an older man who was leading the way, all looking very frantic and frustrated at the police. Praying it wasn't her they were after, she ducked behind the railing. Yet, she couldn't help her curiosity and moved to lean against the wall of the train in a casual manner, listening in.

"He must be on that train. There's no way he got out anywhere else." One of the ladies, the older one, hissed. Amelia was quick to notice the anger and frustration that rolled off all of them. At what, the Hastings' girl didn't know. Though, the older lady seemed rather upset that this man or boy was not with her. Perhaps he was a criminal escapee?

"I don't think he could've got on. He couldn't have slipped by those guards unnoticed." A younger voice, full of more care and worry reasoned, but before Amelia could hear much more, the conductor called out for one final time and the engine let out a loud hiss, the train shaking as it stumbled out of idleness. Amelia jumped in surprise and slid into the back of the train, closing the door behind her.

It was considerably warmer inside and quiet enough for her to think. Someone had either run away or got lost somewhere, most probably on the train. Perhaps someone dangerous. The older lady she overheard did not sound too happy, but at the end of the day, it was none of her concern to find the escapee, as she had to find Enola first before anything else. Straightening up, she raised her head and walked through the halls, emitting a sudden confidence. She didn't want anyone talking to her, so her usual smile morphed into a scowl. The last thing she needed was to get caught up in a conversation.

Amelia delicately swept her eyes over each and every person in each and every car, trying not to show much interest and pretended to be looking for a place to sit. Most were full, family's and friends chatting away like they haven't seen each other in years, and of course the occasional loner, staring out the window in thought or trying to catch some sleep from a long journey. Amelia didn't have very far to travel, as Enola happened to pick off the closest stations to Amelia's house. She had biked most of the way and tucked her bike into the brush by the road entrance, walking the rest. Amelia found that she got strange looks when she biked, but she didn't care much about other people's opinions of her.

Finally, the young girl reached the ends of the pedestrian cars, and lo and behold, a rather strange looking boy sat alone in the left seat, farthest to the window. She identified the 'boy' as her best friend, smiling softly at the girl. Amelia hadn't seen her in well over a year, and now she was a tall, beautiful sixteen year old lady, much like herself. Though some things didn't change. Like her warm brown eyes, rosy cheeks, and curious expression.



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