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DISTRACTING A GROWN MAN WITH A SENSE OF SUPERNATURAL skills, was hard enough. Amelia was trying every single move in her book to steer William Sherlock Scott Holmes off the trail of her best friend, Enola. On the day of Enola's departure, Amelia made a trip to the manor that Sherlock was staying in. It was difficult to disguise herself amidst the adults, but she managed to blend in as a waitress, 'catering' to the tenants needs. She overheard the oddest conversation between none other than Mycroft Holmes and Sherlock. She was surprised, as she knew Mycroft did not play nice, and if he was in on it, Enola was in danger. His intentions were not so simple.

Amelia tried everything from accidentally bumping into him to push him into the dirty London streets, to letting a dog in the house he was searching. But Sherlock Holmes didn't give up.

Amelia thought she would be scared to be alone in London by herself, but between the stress of keeping up with Sherlock, to her rather intrusive thoughts about a certain marquess, she was exhausted. No matter how she tried to shake off the feeling of sadness at the absence of Viscount Tewksbury, all Amelia could think about is if he was okay. The brown bowler hat man was in London, and not only was he a danger to both Enola and Amelia, he was searching to assassinate the heir to a place in the House of Thrones. But the worst thing about it, was the stupid boy didn't know anything about it.

"I should not be feeling such remorse for a boy, let alone a boy like him," she muttered to herself, pacing around the room she had grown used to, despite the rumble of the train that distracted her mid thought, or the partying mates in the room across from her. She heaved a sigh, laying on her bed in denial. She knew it. Enola had spoken nothing but truth nights before, but Amelia was still considering it to be a small crush.

She had never connection to any boy as deeply as she did with Tewksbury. He was interesting, and wanted to win her over despite her not showing interest on their first meeting. When he spoke about a passion of his, his smile could light up a whole room, and his eyes would be bright and wide, even if he was ranting on about something as simple as flowers.




"HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS LATELY? OH, THE POOR BOY. THEY ARE PRESUMING HIM DEAD." Amelia kept her head low, wading through the crowds of the busy streets. She kept a keen eye out as she wandered down the square of colors. Stands upon stands of flowers were lining the walkways, ranging from giant flourishing red flowers, to smaller quiet, light toned flowers, who's petals swooped down to their stem. The chatter and energy around the area of the city was far different than the main streets. For a second, Amelia admired the calm scenery, as people examined one of nature's many beauties. The sun was high in the sky, shining down on the flowers and lighting up the faces of those surrounding.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon," a quiet voice spoke up, taking Amelia's attention. The smile was instant as her eyes found his dark brown ones. Though they seemed lighter, calm. Amelia had to admit it, she knew that a flower market would definitely be his element. With a grin tugging at her lips, she watched his eyes soften with emotions she couldn't begin to explain.

"Well, I knew you'd be here," she smiled. Tewksbury stood in front of her, a cheeky smile on his face. He didn't try to hide his amusement at her fancy dress, but admired it nonetheless. Amelia simply rolled her eyes, pulling him into a semi-empty area to speak.

"So, what are you doing here, Amelia?" He questioned, leaning against one of the stands absentmindedly. Truth be told, she didn't exactly know why she was there. Of course, the bowler hat man was after him, but without Enola, Amelia couldn't really do anything. Perhaps her main concern was to see him again, but she wasn't about to admit that full force.

"Oh, I've been gallivanting around for Enola as of late, doing this and that and thought I'd test my theory... plus I missed you, Viscount Tewksbury, marquess of Basilweather..."

With a charming smile, he plucked a blue flower from it's stand and passed it to her, "Well, Amelia Hastings, how about we go on a walk and catch up?"

"Sounds, lovely."


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