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𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞


AMELIA HASTINGS WAS NO NORMAL TEENAGE GIRL. She did not attend finishing school, nor was she appealing to any potential suitors of choice. She was simply just herself; a curious and often sarcastic girl with a cunning grin and ache for adventure. Yet, she never found trouble. In all honesty, it found her. So it was no surprise to the hazel eyed girl that she had just been swept into quite the dangerous situation. A royal escape artist trapped on a train while on the run from a stranger man with bad intentions.

"You know Enola, when you wanted me to meet you, I thought you meant... just us." Amelia sighed, looking between her best friend and the cute boy on the other side of the compartment. "Not us and a troublesome boy with a death wish."

The marquess scoffed with fake hurt, holding a hand over his heart. He stared down the girl with narrowed eyes. His expression said it all, but she let him continue, "You know, it wasn't my idea either," he rolled his eyes, looking at the door once more. Enola, having enough of the bicker, interrupted.

"I ask you once more to get out of this carriage," she snapped, and they glared each other down until Viscount leaned back in realization. He looked Enola dead in the eyes.

"You remind me of my uncle. I've left him at the station. He's bossy, too. Left them all: my mother, my grandmother," he stood up, making both girls shift back. He grabbed the case he fell out of, shoving it back up on the baggage rack, then returned his gaze to the two girls, lingering on one more than the other.

"But I'm fine, I'm free."

Amelia bit her cheek, finding the floor quite interesting as he leaned above her. She understood what he meant when he declared freedom. She wished nothing more than to escape from her family, run away, and change her name. The girl wanted to cut contact with her family so badly that she connected to the boy. Of course, his family was richer than rich and probably living a royal and fantasy life, a longing that she had never known.

She felt bad for being so rude to someone, especially not knowing who he was or where he came from. For he had the confidence to escape from something she never could.

"Good, get out of the carriage then." Enola said with a much softer tone, but her reason was still the same. Amelia watched with curiosity as the boy's ego seemed to diminish at the thought of leaving the 'safety' of their compartment. She offered him a small smile as he looked back and forth at the door in nervousness. The action seemed to surprise him as he faltered for a minute before looking at Enola.

"A man in a brown bowler hat?" He breathed, reaching toward the handle. Amelia felt bad but also agreed with Enola. She didn't wish to be put in danger for a stranger she didn't even know. She would not die on a train. Way too cliché.

The girls watched, both feeling a bit guilty as he looked down both isles, whispering to himself in reassurance before stepping out and sliding the door closed behind him. They let out their own breaths of relief once he disappeared, but Amelia's gaze flickered back to the door a few times.

"Was that cruel?" Though Enola started counting.

37 seconds later.

A horrified Tewksbury reentered the carriage, frantically rushing on about how the man was coming, much to Enola's disappointment. Amelia stifled a laugh but then realized what would happen. She glared at the boy for once again, putting them in danger, but this time even worse. Enola would only answer him with one word as she gathered her belongings, urging Amelia to do the same. She slung her back over her shoulder, casting a quick look out the door.

"Therefore we say good day to you, Viscount Tewksbury, Marquess of Basilweather." She grabbed Amelia's hand, tugging her along. The short haired girl was only able to give him a frown, shrugging her shoulders. Enola was almost always right, so she trusted her judgment. Viscount gave her a longing look, pleading for her help.

"You really do remind me of my uncle. You have that same stare." He grinned at Enola, but she closed the door on him, giving Amelia a smile. "He is quite something, I do hope he is smart." She whispered, and the hazel eyed girl smirked, "very cute too." which made Enola's eyes widen. They giggled, but their moment was cut short as the brown hat man shoved by, making his way to their compartment. They faltered when they heard sounds of a struggle and shared a look. Sighing, Enola turned around, and both girls quickly hurried back to the door.

Their eyes widened when they saw the man trying to shove the marquess out of the train as he desperately gripped onto the door. Amelia gasped, shoving the door open, and Enola grabbed the man's cane. With a clenched jaw, she hurled the cane at the back of his head, making the door swing open, Viscount hanging off of it. Amelia quickly reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him in. In the darkness of the cave they went through, they slipped out of the carriage and ran down the halls.

"Who is that?! He was trying to kill me!" Viscount stumbled after Amelia and Enola, glancing over his shoulder in fright. They slowed to a speed walk as they reached the crowded compartment hall, ignoring all eye contact with those inside.

"I'm not ready to die on a train!"

"I'm not ready to die at all, and I wasn't going to before I met you!" Enola hissed, and Amelia followed her diligently, trying not to trip as Viscount stumbled along behind her. Her eyes widened when she realized she still had a hold of his hand and quickly dropped it. An awkward silence ensued until Amelia glanced behind once more. She hurried her steps when she saw the corner of a coat flailing behind someone.

"Where are we going?!" Both Amelia and the escapee exclaimed at the same time, the girl biting her cheek once more. Enola looked back at them, "I don't know yet, let me think!" She continued down the hall before she barged into an open carriage, scanning around. The occupants gasped and mumbled in shock at the odd 'boy'. As she continued on, Amelia followed, and Tewksbury apologized to the crowd. They ran to the very end of the car and opened the door only to be met with a gap in the cars. The wind rushed up at them as they stared at the gap with grim looks of their own.

"Is this truly the best way to come?" Viscount asked in worry, sparking a sarcastic remark from Enola, who was tired of his questions, "Can you think of a better way?!" Amelia grinned besides the situation and wormed her way to the front, feeling the thrill of adrenaline filling her bones. She hopped the gap, holding onto the ladder handle with a deep breath. Her best friend was quick to follow, giving Amelia a reassuring look. Tewksbury closed the door, eyeing the gap down in nervousness. The girls peeked around the corner, Amelia being careful to steady herself. Enola's eyes widened when she saw the bridge coming up, and Amelia noticed the idea circulating in her brain.

"Do you trust me?" She called over the loud rumble of the train wheels.



She looked back over with a shaky breath, then back to the two, "if we time it correctly, we can leave him stranded!" Enola informed, making Amelia understand her plan. She felt her heart drop, and her hands shook in fear. Viscount didn't seem to get what they were getting at, as he had to ask. But seeing the look on Amelia's face made him worried.

"Listen, Tewksbury! We have two choices!" She clenched her jaw at his stubbornness, and he looked equally as stressed, "and which one involves me not dying!?" He yelled back. Too lost in their battle, Amelia was the first to notice the door fling open, the brown hat man grinning evilly at her. She screamed as he made to grab her, and gripping both of their hands, she pulled them with her and jumped off the train.

"This one!"


morgan is typing . . .

this one will probably edit again later, but i wanted to keep at least somewhat consistent with updates.


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