twenty five.

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AMELIA SIGHED, FEELING THE WARM RAYS OF THE SUN on her pale skin. The sun had just risen over the hills, beginning yet another day for the city. She let her breathing even out, stretching out all the sore muscles in her body. Rolling over on soft linen sheets, she found herself reaching up to the pillows, where a half-awake Tewksbury laid staring up at the ceiling. He was already dressed for the day and had been for a while, perks of being an early riser. He accepted Amelia's hug, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead and scooping her in closer to his hold.

It had become their routine. Tewksbury would meet her in her room to watch the sunrise, leaving before anyone could see of course. But, those moments in the morning were sweet, full of cuddles and jokes. Tewksbury liked to start his day by giving her a rundown of his plans, and Amelia liked to start the day with cuddles, so it worked out for them.

"Time to get up, darling," Tewksbury whispered, hearing the bustle of the early morning maids rushing around downstairs. It would only be so long before Abigail was there to wake her up and get her ready, and the maid would have a fit if she saw them together. They were both aware that it was 'wrong' to sneak around, but that didn't stop them.

"Shoo, then," she groaned, letting go of him to roll over, bringing a blanket with her. She stood, a careless yawn slipping from her lips. The boy sighed at her annoyance but obliged, slipping out of her room quietly. Sure enough, within a few minutes Abigail showed up at her door, an amused smile on her face as she saw the girl wrapped in blankets.

"Morning, miss." She entered, heading to the girls closet to help her pick out an outfit. Amelia smiled, following her with a tired yawn. If there was one thing for sure, Amelia was not a morning person anymore.

"I would like to look especially pretty today," Amelia declared, sitting on her vanity stool while Abigail sifted through dresses, looking for the perfect one.

"Here, I think you should leave your hair natural today." Abigail passed her a cute dress that had the girl fawning. Before, when she was adventuring for days at a time, she preferred a loose fitting short dress or slacks to travel easier. She never cared much for dressing up, occasionally while visitors were over at their home, or when she would accompany Marcus to the markets. But, now she had Caroline to care for her. She stepped up as another Mother figure quite quickly. It was small things at first, but the lady couldn't help but see cute things while she was out shopping that she could bring home for Amelia.  She always brushed it off when the girl would offer to pay, saying that sometimes she wished for a daughter. It warmed her heart to here, especially after how her parents treated her.

In her family it was basically a curse that she was a girl. All she was good for in her Father's mind was to be married off into another wealthy family to help support his business. Now, Amelia couldn't help but chuckle that that was what happened (well, to be), except it wasn't going to benefit him at all. Her thoughts drifted to Marcus, and she wondered briefly how he was doing with his family. If they just picked out another girl for him to marry, or perhaps he ended up convincing his family that he could be with his lover, whom Amelia desperately wished to meet. Even if he didn't, there was no doubt that she would help the boy out if he asked. After all, he and Abigail helped her out so much, it was only fair.

When Amelia was bathed and dressed, Abigail declared her departure, leaning on the door as she turned around to look at her, an amused look on her face, "oh, by the way, Amelia. If you're going to have Lord Tewksbury in here, make sure to be less obvious."

Her jaw dropped as Abigail laughed, closing the door behind her retreating figure. Amelia blushed, mumbling under her breath as she sulked. Of course, Abigail McCarthy. Of course.


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