Chapter 56

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Taylor’s POV

I slammed the door shut behind me, too furious to notice the echo that screeched trough the suite. I stomped, to the best of my ability in these shoes, through the entrance hall, muttering to myself.  A few rapid seconds later the door opened and closed, in a much quieter and softer way than I had treated it. I stopped promptly and looked over my shoulder at Tom walking through the hallway, looking absentmindedly at the keycard in his hand.

I hmp-ed and folded my arms across my chest.

-Are you contemplating this?

-I am.

His response was dawdling, deep in thought. I tensed my muscles, calming myself as I turned around and faced him. Tom looked up at me, his eyes confronting me cold blooded.

He wanted to do this, I knew that deep down inside, even though I would never admit it in a lifetime. He wanted to be the groundbreaker of the new association of joined mafia bosses.

That was the suggestion.

The bosses had all comprehended that their gangs were broken, shattered or on the verge of falling apart. They needed a unified leader that could command over them all. The offer had landed to Tom.

-What’s you verdict? I questioned. I swallowed down the straining lump of distress and anger, and waited.

Tom went over to the dining table and picked up a package of cigarettes and plucked one out of it with his teeth. Grabbing the lighter he flicked it on over the cigarette and inhaled a deep breath before letting the grey smoke vent between his lips.

If he wanted to piss me off even more, he was doing the job.

-Well I’m considering it.

-That doesn’t surprise me, I huffed. He inhaled another breath of smoke and clenched his jaws together.

-Well it shouldn’t, you know exactly how my life is, he snapped.

Was he seriously getting snappy with me?

-Oh I know it pretty damn well, since I am living the costs of it, I muttered, turning away.


His response was quick.

-You heard me, I stated bitterly.

With that I turned my heal and went out on the balcony and closed the glass door firmly behind me.

I was met by a calming view, colorful fields as far as I could see, contouring in the dark night.

I grabbed a hold of the rim and unexpectantly let out a shaky sob.

So the next step in Toms mind was to not only be the leader of Japans underground world, but now basically the entire world. Was he even ready for that, for all those new kind of dangers and risks? Was I ready to follow him on that path?

I turned my head and looked inside where Tom was arguing with Bill who had entered the suite with Hirato and Georg. The three of them watched Tom intently while he was wildly waving his hand and looking almost like he was yelling at them, in between taking a smoke from his cigarette. Suddenly he pointed towards me, and Bill, Georg and Hirato turned their heads and gawked at me. I quickly averted my head back out towards the starry night.

The glass door slid open behind me and I suddenly felt a coat over my shoulders and two hands gripping around them. I hadn’t even noticed it was chilly out here.

-This sucks Hirato, I mumbled and leaned myself on him. He rubbed my arms and held me a bit tighter between a sigh and a chilled cough.

-I know, I must say I’m a bit in disbelief myself.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now