Chapter 37

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Taylor's POV

-No Tom, come on stop it! I shouted between my laughs as I tried to run away from him. He laughed in return and kept chasing me around to try and put peanut butter on my face. But I kind of owed it to him since I jokingly slapped some on his neck.

-You are not getting away with this Taylor! He laughed as I rounded a corner and tried to see a good place to hide. I guessed I ran into the owner’s office room and feeling a little too panicked and scattered I just ran through the door on the other side of the room. Hearing Tom turning around the same corner, he was picking up on me.

-Taylor how fast can you run! Tom called out as an evil laughed erupted from my chest.

-Clearly fast enough! I shouted back as ran through a couple of more rooms before I was heading around the corner to the living room. Snickering to my brilliant ideas and myself I ran full speed out into the living room, only to suddenly feel a light punch in my back, making me stumble.

I yelped as I helplessly fell down into the thankfully fluffy sofa.

-Not so cocky now, are we? A dark voice chuckled as I twisted around and found to my horror, Tom hovering over me with the jar of frosting and a spoon in his hand. Horrified I tried to escape and started to crawl to the edge.

-Oh no! He laughed and suddenly pulled me back and straddled my hips, pinning me down to the sofa.

-Tom! Don’t! I cried out and tried to push him off me but he was too damn heavy. Goddammit, he should really eat some less pasta.

-Why? You put peanut butter on me? He teased with a wicked grin on his face. Realizing I had no chance of getting this meatball of me, it was take the crime or try to slither out of it. Looking at the jar, I decided on the second one.

-But it was a harmless joke, I said in a velvet voice. Tom looked down at me and shook his head, holding the jar high in his hand, completely ignoring my failed attempt.

-It’s payback time! He said smugly and put the spoon into the jar and tried to scoop up some. Feeling my heart dropping in my chest at the sudden future of a possibility of a whole lot of peanut butter in my face, I decided I needed to pull in the big guns.

Placing my hands on Tom’s legs, softly stroking up and down slowly, I fluttered my eyelashes at him. 
-Tom, please? I said sweetly, getting his attention.

-I knew some other stuff we can do with the peanut butter, I continued and laid my last card as I flirtingly damped my lips. Hoping I would get his mind in on other ways, I was praying for the best way to get out of this. He raised an eyebrow at me as his curiosity spiked.

-Like what?

I chuckled internally, seriously, was he this slow? 

-Ehh…other..stuff? I said, unable to think of something better. Tom looked skeptically at me before he started grinning again.

-Not falling for it! He laughed and picked up the spoon with peanut butter on it.

I started shouting and flapping my arms everywhere to try and get out. It was unavoidable but I screamed a high-pitch squeal as I felt the chilled peanut butter smearing over my face. I was horrified but then I looked up and saw the childish look on Tom’s face and I couldn’t help it.

-TOM! STOP! I started laughing hysterically and tried to shove his hands away from my face but he continued with a proud smirk to stain my face.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now