Chapter 26

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Taylor's POV

The rest of the evening lingered on as everybody was busy doing stuff by themselves. I contacted my school and said that my vacation was due for a longer time, but it was all right since it was a lot of personal assignments anyway. Feeling a huge relief I was happy with my call and realized I should call my dad to check up on him.


“Dad!” I called out cheerful.

“Taylor. How are you? Are you okay?” He answered with a happy voice but still coated with concern, as I smiled and sat up in the bed in the guestroom as I crossed my legs.

“I’m fine. Everybody is in fact” I said with a satisfied sigh.

“Oh that’s good. I was afraid you were calling to tell me something had happened” he said and it sounded like he was relieved.

“Of course not, so where are you?” I asked and started to fiddle a little bit with a pen.

“I’m visiting an old friend in Denmark. It was a long time since I saw him and he offered to have me stay with his family for a short while” he said as, I felt happy for my father. He had been under a lot of stress and pressure due to Anthony so it was nice hearing he could enjoy himself with some good friends.

“Sounds swell” I smiled and stretched for a notebook that was lying nearby. I placed my pen on the paper and started drawing lines.

“Yes it is. So how is the situation in Rome?” he asked worried.

“Dad it’s nothing to be worried about. Anthony is… not an issue any more” I said hesitantly. I wasn’t sure if it was okay to talk about Anthony getting killed a few nights ago.


“Yeah, so don’t worry about it, Tom and the others have taken care of it” I said and looked at my drawing. 

“Tom” he snorted as I paused.

“What do you mean?” I frowned as he took a deep sigh.

“Nothing it’s just, Tom said something to me the day you and he visited me at my office” he mumbled as my interest spiked.

“What did he say?” I questioned.

“It doesn’t matter. How’s Blake?” he quickly retorted as I groaned.

“Dad I don’t feel like talking about it right now” I mumbled and my mind drifted back to Blake.

All the sweet memories I had shared with him. The nights we had walked along the Champs-Elyse’s with an ice cream, laughing our heads off, the café’s we had been at in the morning for our regular French breakfast, the way he always spent the nights at my small apartment rather than his huge one, just to be a few more hours with me.

It was painful knowing I had hurt him and it stung as I realized all those things were a memory from now on.

“Taylor are you okay?” My dad asked as I wiped my eyes a little bit.

“Yeah I’m fine, just a little bit tired” I quickly retorted as I heard high huff.

“Yeah sure, you’re upset I can tell” he said softly in his fatherly tone. It didn’t feel right to say to him Blake and I had broken up, I still needed to process it myself.

“I just talked to my school earlier today. You know, so I’m sure I’m keeping up,” I said, quickly changing the subject

“You’re not going back to Paris?” he asked with an unhappy tone.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now