Chapter 33

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Taylor's POV

Wakening up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and newly toasted bread, I smiled faintly as I curled up together in the bed.  Yawning and stretching, I opened my eyes to the yellow sun that was beaming in to the bedroom, causing me to squint my eyes. I looked around me and found the room empty, only me lying all spread out in the bed. Where was Tom?

Slowly sitting up, I pulled my fingers through my hair too loosen up the tussles in it. The smell of coffee was wakening me up more and more and I could feel my desire for the coffee increasing rapidly.

I pulled myself off the bed and stretched out for one of Tom’s open sweaters that were lying across a chair. Pulling it on, I found it more comfy and way to big for me. I pulled up the long sleeves a little bit as I tip toed my way out of the room. The impact of breakfast smell hit me so hard I could feel my stomach starting to grumble for food.

Turning into the kitchen I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Tom standing in front of the stove, cooking eggs.

-What are you doing? I asked, not so subtlety stunned.

He was hovering over the stove in a grey tank top and his black sweats as he glanced back at me across his shoulders with a smile tugging in the corner of his lips.

-What does it look like? I’m making us breakfast, he said and shrugged. Arching my eyebrow at him I looked over the table where he had placed fresh juice, toasted bread and set out plates, coffee mugs and glasses.

I had never seen Tom cook anything but the pasta with tomato sauce that he only and specifically single-handily made.

-There’s coffee if you want some, he said and pointed with the turner towards a newly made pot of coffee standing on the counter.

-The smell went all the way to your room, I half moaned as I grabbed a cup and poured some coffee in. I took a sip, drinking the heavenly good black liquid and felt myself wakening a bit more. Tom chuckled amused at me as I walked up to him, leaning my head on his arm.

-I know, it was intentional. I was hoping it would wake you up, he taunted.

-Well it worked, I grinned and took another sip. He was making scrambled eggs that really didn’t look all too appealing but I decided not to say anything, if he went through this much trouble I guessed he would be proud over his small accomplishment.

-Why are you making it by the way? I asked curiously and turned my back against the counter and leaned back on it. Tom pursed his lips together and seasoned the eggs a little bit, wiping of the remains from his hands.

-Well you have been generous enough to cook for all of us for so many times that I decided to make you something for a change, he said and smiled a crocket smile. I felt my heart swelling and I leaned forward and placed a small peck on his lips.

-You’re endearing, I teased, seeing his face turn into a grimace.

-Do you have to use that synonym? He muttered and stirred a little in the eggs.

-Why not, you are, I said truthfully with a chuckle and took a seat at the table.

-Taylor, I’m a mafia-boss, you think “endearing” really is the right word to describe me?” He questioned.

I could hear the dissatisfaction in his voice as a smile formed on my face.

-Maybe not, but I can say it right? I asked as he turned around with the eggs and placed the pan on the table.

-Yeah, feel privileged, he muttered as I laughed and drank from my coffee.

-Something smells nice, Mellie murmured as she dragged herself in the kitchen with a yawn.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now