Chapter 8

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Taylor’s POV

"Mellie you sack of potatoes, come on!" I yelled as I pushed her up and down in the bed. She groaned and tried to push me away to get some more sleep, yet again, but I wouldn’t budge.

"Mellie get your ass out of the bed!" I moaned as I tried to pull her off but she was determined to stay in the bed. I frowned and was almost a little out of breath from my efforts as she was happy I stopped and nuzzled back into bed.

"You are getting married in a couple of hours you crazy person!" I growled as she glanced up tiredly at me from the pillow before realization suddenly seemed to dawn on her as she bolted out of bed.

"OH MY GOD! And you wake me NOW!" She screamed and looked at the watch.

We had about 2 and a half hours left until the ceremony started but apparently that wasn’t enough for her. She pushed me aside and ran into the bathroom and slammed the door closed. Left stood I in Mellie’s room, feeling tired from yesterday as I heard her putting on the shower.

Bill and the rest of the guys had left early to get ready so Mellie and I had the house to ourselves this morning. I decided, while Mellie took a shower and got ready, I could go downstairs and have one of them mouth watering breakfasts’.

Besides, a make-up artist and a hairstylist would come in 10 minutes anyway.

"No you can’t come in just yet! Mellie shouted from the other side of the door. I was already in my dress, a deep shade of red, long dress that was laced really pretty on my back. I’d found it when Mellie and me were out doing errands and I just saw it and she said she would never forgive me if I didn’t buy it and wore it to her wedding.

I completely loved the dress, it was so pretty and I felt really pretty in it too. My long, blonde mottled hair was sprayed with salt spray so it had those perfect beach waves thanks to the hairstylist and I had some simple black strap heals to it.

"Can I come in now?" I begged for surely the fifth time.

"Ehh count to twenty then you can come in!" She called as I chuckled and started counting.

After twenty seconds I opened the door and was met by one of the most perfect images of my life. My best friend in a beautiful, white dress. It was kind of narrow and tight from her chest down to her waist until it flowed straight in a sleek matter.

The top, which kind of looked a little like a bustier, was in lace as she had a thin bright red ribbon around her waist.

I grinned a little at that.

It was complementing both to my dress and to the Rocker style that Bill possessed. Her make up was flawless as her brown hair was pulled back into a slick, straight ponytail.

"Mellie, you look amazing!" I gasped as she started grinning shyly. I walked up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. 

"You do too" she mumbled into my ear as I let her go. I backed a little bit and gazed over her again.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now