Chapter 14

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Taylors POV

-later that night-

Abruptly I woke up to loud voices.

With cloudy eyes I glanced towards my cellphone and saw it was 12.30 o’clock at night. With a tired groan I dragged myself out of bed and rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hands. As the loud voices shouted again my mind cleared a little bit and the curiosity grabbed onto me.

With slow steps I walked up and opened my door and was met by Mellie in her pajamas that ironically enough were the same as mine. Dark blue shorts and a black t-shirt to that. She turned her head up and looked at me with a surprised face.

"What’s going on?" I yawned and looked at her.

"I don’t know" she said and shrugged her shoulders. The sound of loud clinkers was heard and made the both of us look down the stairs.

"Something is going on downstairs" She said as I walked up to the stairs to listen more. Loud male voices was heard but I couldn’t really figure out what they were saying since they probably were in the other end of the house.

"Maybe it’s robbers?" I mumbled as Mellie frowned.

"I don’t think so, robbers are like ninjas, quiet and moves without a sound" she said as I chuckled a little bit.

"Okay fine but I want to check it out"

She grabbed a hold of my arm and the both of us walked slowly downstairs, the voices getting louder.

"Put that down!" A dark voice barked as the same loud clinking sound entered again. Mellie and I walked towards the voices and guessed it came from the living room.

"No, why should I!" A slurry voice retorted.

"Because you’re already shit-faced!" The dark voice said again. The closer we came the more I started to recognize the voices.        

"I don’t care! Don’t tell me what to do!" The slurry voice growled as a deep sigh sounded.

"I don’t get why you are so fucking thick headed! You should realize you can’t do what you want to just because!... " The slurry voice yelled.

Mellie and I glanced at each other as we stood around the corner before entering the living room.

"What are they talking about?" Mellie whispered to me as I shrugged my shoulders.

It was obvious to me that Blake was hammered and was into the idea of confronting Tom of some reason. We decided to hold our ground behind the wall before coming into view but we glanced around the corner and saw Blake leaning against the minibar with a bottle of whisky in his hand, looking wobbly and unfocused but with a hard glare towards Tom who was standing across the room, sitting calmly on a chair.

"I can do whatever I want and you have shit to say about it!" Tom growled as the clinking sound erupted again, it was Blake putting the bottle to a glass and poured the content into it before he choked it down.

"NO, you fucking can’t Tom, she is mine! Don’t you get that?! You can’t do what you want because she doesn’t belong to you anymore!" Blake roared.

"Whatever." Tom hissed and waved his hand, brushing it off.

"You are such an idiot, you do all these things for her. You help her dad, you get her a place in the school of her dreams and tries to keep it a secret, and then when she founds out, she STILL doesn’t want you!" Blake laughed messily.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now