Chapter 3

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Taylor's POV

The closer we got to the house, the more nervous and anxious I got.

I was going to see him again. After almost two years I was going to see Tom again.

"Taylor is that all you brought?" Mellie asked, dragging me out of my own thoughts that were clogging up my mind.

"Huh?" I asked as I turned my head from the window and looked at her. She frowned at me.

"Is the bag all that you brought here?" She asked again as I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I guessed I didn’t need much clothes anyway" I said and shrugged a little bit as Bill made a strong turn.

"We are here!" He cheered as I looked forward, seeing a huge villa in front of me, surrounded with a small green garden with bright colored flowers. The villa was very Italian. White, big and had a very rustic feel about it.

"Wow you live there?" I mumbled under my breath as both Mellie and Bill nodded their heads. Bill pulled up by two other cars and parked as the three of us walked out from the car.

I swung my bag over my shoulder as Bill showed the way. Mellie and I walked behind him as we followed him up the small stair to the front door, which he opened with an old key. He turned it and we all walked in.

The hall entrance was not as big as I thought it would be but it seemed like the entire house was decorated in a very classical Italian style with lots of rustic wood and the feeling of old city. I continued to follow Bill as he turned his steps from the hall into a big room filled with sofas and a big plasma TV.

To the right there was a long staircase but Bill just walked with stern steps past it all as we walked across the room and out to some kind of balcony, slash, terrace.

My face lit up as I saw Georg and Gustav sitting chatting and drinking a cold beer each.

"Guys, she has arrived!" Bill said and sat down on one of the chairs next to them. They turned their heads and looked at me with big smiles and popping eyes as I rushed up to Gustav who was nearest and hugged him so tightly I almost thought I hurt him.

"Taylor, it’s so good to see you" Gustav said as he buried his head in my neck with a chuckle.

"Gustav" I mumbled as I gave him a kiss on the cheek when he let me go.

A little embarrassed he corrected his glasses before giving me a smile and sitting down again. I didn’t even have the time to look towards Georg until he swooped me up by my waist, pressing me to his chest.

"TAYLOR MY CHERRY POP I’VE MISSED YOU!" He shouted, shaking me a little back and forth as I laughed and threw my arms around his neck.

"I’VE MISSED YOU TOO MY CRAZY GEORG!" I shouted back as everybody else chuckled amused. He loosened his grip a little bit around me so he could look me in the face. I returned his grin more than happily as he gave me a kiss on both my cheeks.

"It’s not fair you have been gone for so long" he frowned as I rolled my eyes.

"Well why didn’t you visit me?" I asked as he glanced a little bit towards Bill before shaking his head.

"I’m sorry, I was planning on it though" he said as he let me down to the ground again.

"It’s okay, I’ve missed you so much" I said with a soft smile as he nodded and we all sat down by the small table, filled with cigarette-packages, card decks, water bottles and a big fruit bowl filled with bright colored fruit.

"Have you been out here all day?" Bill asked as he frowned a little bit as he took off his sunglasses and threw them on the table. Gustav took a zip from his beer and nodded.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now