Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz story

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A/N So this is the sequel! If it's not to much to ask, is there anybody who wants to make a poster to this book, message me!(the one i have no is probably temporary so i would LOVE to get some suggestions in!)  (:

Hope you will like it!! 


2 years later…

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Bill and soon to be Mellie Kaulitz

The both of us hope you will be able to join us, as we will be devoted with each other for the rest of our lives.

I looked at the white card in my hand and smiled so much a small tear of happiness dripped from my eye.

Mellie was actually getting married to Bill.

I wiped my cheek and placed the card on my bookshelf so I could look at it every time I walked by.

"What’s that? A dark voice asked, making a pleasant chill go through me,  as I kept looking at my invitation. I smiled. 

"It’s an invitation to a wedding" Two arms wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling me closer to a warm body. 

"To Bill and Mellie?" He asked again as I nodded.

"That’s great" he chuckled. 

"So what do you want for dinner?" He asked and twirled me around. I looked up and was met by his grey-ish eyes that smiled to me.

"You decide tonight Blake" I smiled softly as he nodded and let me go as he walked out into the kitchen to get some take-out menus.

I glanced towards the kitchen so Blake was occupied as I walked up to my big bookshelf and moved away some of the books to reveal a small blue box. I carefully took it out and replaced the books as I took the box with me and sat down in my sofa.

I took a deep breath before opening the package, revealing a big male silver watch. As softly as I could, I picked up the watch and put it on my wrist, grazing my fingertips over it. It was too big for me but I didn’t care.

It had been two years since I last saw the owner of the watch.

In the panic and frenzy of tears when I stuffed and collected all my things that night, it somehow had gotten into my bag. At first when I had realized it had tagged along I wanted to throw it away but I just couldn’t. It had such meaning to me so I decided to keep it.

Whenever I thought of him or whenever I missed him I took it out and put it on. Other people would have said it was self-destruction. A way of remembering how much he hurt me but it was the opposite for me.

All I could memorize when looking at the watch was the kisses on my neck he gave me every morning, the way he looked at me when we laughed, how protective he was and his determination to keep me safe and above it all, the little things he did to make me feel important, loved.

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