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Hey everybody! I just wanted to say that this will be the last chapter of this story and unfortunately the ending of this book. I have given this a lot of thought and I feel like I don't have the inspiration nor the time anymore to write even though I love to do it, so there will be no third book! I have given this story so many hours of my life and i can honestly say it has been worth it. Everything that you have read has come from my heart and i have suffered and smiled with you when writing it. I hope all of you that have read and stood by me appreciate my work and maybe give me a message or a comment! 

I love you all! / Josefin 


Tom’s POV

Those damn crows started early this morning. Usually they didn’t start squeaking and croaking until a few hours later but of course they started promptly early the one-day I really wished to sleep in. Glancing open my eye I saw the sunrise peeking through the blinds, making me groan. I had barely had a few hours of sleep due to the fact that I was in a conference call with some manufactures that were on a different time zone.

The crows croaked once again making me clench my jaw and groan. I was just about to unleash my fury by throwing my pillow onto the window, as an arm slid across my torso. Taylor nuzzled her head into my shoulder, making a small sound of dissatisfaction.

I glanced down at her, her hair all tossed and knotted together, her skin light from the lack of sun this winter. I traced my fingers along her shoulder, down her side, touching her soft skin as I felt her squeezing me closer to herself. I smiled at the way she selfishly used me as a heat source in this cold room. I smiled even bigger when I felt the diamond ring on her finger ever so lightly scraping against my skin.

I didn’t like the winter especially much but Taylor loved it, she basically shunned me for not enjoying warm fires, thick scarfs, snow or the white light of winter. One of the few things I did enjoy however was the way she curled up next to me in the coldest hours of the night.

Taylor moved again so I gave her some room as she shifted to lying with her back against me. Sneaking my arm around her, I hugged Taylor tight against my chest, completely burying my face in her neck as I tried to block out the birds. Yawning I tried to go back to sleep as the memory of the day I proposed to her entered my mind.

Taylor and I had moved in a while ago, a relatively big apartment for the two of us, of course with two extra bedrooms so Hirato or Bill or whoever wanted to could stay over. I had wanted to keep the place to ourselves maybe the first months but of course it had barely gone a few weeks before people had started staying over.  I was about to throw them out but Taylor had insisted that it would be bad luck for our new home and I obliged.

Sitting in the kitchen I had an overlook out over the living room. I was making some coffee while Bill and Mellie sat in the sofa. I was concentrating on the coffee but stopped as I heard Mellie giggle. Looking up I saw my little brother whispering things into her ear with a smile, making Mellie giggle like a kid. The way they were completely intertwined, no barriers, nothing psychologically that kept them apart. Bill and Mellie were on a higher level than Taylor and me that I am sure of, they had some deeper bond I couldn’t figure out. The way they looked at each other, no walls and no fences. I wanted that…

I left them alone to be all mushy and grabbed my keys as I walked out trough the door. I went down the stairs and turned towards the door that led to the garage. I had renovated it a bit so it was bigger and had some room for my stuff and most of all, my two cars and Taylor’s. Mine were roaring monsters and hers was elegant… fit the bill if you ask me.  

I sat down in my pride and glory, the best car I had let made and stretched under the seat to pick up the little box. It was a leather box and as I opened it, the diamond reflected the light inside the garage. It wasn’t a huge stone, it was one oval shaped in the middle with two smaller squares on its side. It was simple, clean and most importantly, it was right.

Couldn’t lie and say it was a planned buy, it was totally spontaneous thing but when I saw it, it spoke to me and the consequence of it was that it had been lying in my car for a couple of weeks by now. I fumbled the box in my hand and closed it with a pop. I was going to do it, before I chickened out I will ask her.

It had gotten dark before Taylor and Hirato had gotten home but I had needed the hours to try and plan something. As soon as she was done unloading stuff that they had bought I made her follow me to the car. I was nervous as hell, my palms so sweaty it felt like my fingers would slip off the steering wheel. Taylor had just laughed at me but when we stopped on a high hill, overlooking Tokyo’s lights I had gone through some of the things that had made us be us.

Our strength together was resilient which had been proven more than needed. I had said how she had made me a better person, how she had helped me become a better man than I ever thought I could be. I was a man of death, crimes and danger and in a way I still were, I was a mafia boss nonetheless. It felt like I talked for 30 seconds about us, about her and about me but in reality I must’ve taken at least 15 min to get my point out.

Her blue eyes hadn’t teared from mine a single time and I fell more in love with her if it even was possible at the second I saw her smirking. She already knew everything I told her and once again I was struggling to keep up with my woman.

“…I loved you even before I knew it myself and I will probably spend the rest of my life chasing you” I chuckled. I took the box out from my pocket and showed it to her, opening it up.

“Taylor… will you let me chase you and love you…. for the rest of our lives?”

The shock and the huge smile that spread in her face as I asked her the big question made me happier than I ever thought it would. That day, Taylor became my one, she became my woman.

-You know, the way I proposed to you wasn’t exactly perfect, I chuckled disconcerted and kissed Taylor on her temple as she looked at me.

She smirked that sly way and landed her arms around my neck, pulling me a bit closer to her face. 

-We were never flawless and we never will be, but the way you did it… was us, she mumbled and kissed me so tasteful as a morning smooch could be.

I felt my chest vibrating like I needed to hold my breath of so much energy that was searing through my veins, kind of like a caffeine shot.

-I’ll go make breakfast, she chuckled before pushing me off her and tripping out through the door. I smiled to myself like a crushing kid even though I was almost 28 now.

Looking towards my bedside table was my gun, a bottle of nail polish, a photo of the whole family, some sketches for a new car and some random small papernotes. Before Taylor I would’ve had two guns, a knife, some half-drunken drink and some crumbled cigarettes on that table.

I jumped out of bed and threw on a tank top to my sweatpants before walking out to our apartment. It was home now, it was a totally safe place. The smell of coffee filled my lungs and I hurried to the kitchen where Taylor was in full mode on making waffles.

Grinning to myself I snuck up behind her and slithered my hands under her shirt to grab her waist and kiss her with all the love she filled me with.

This was what I had waited for without even knowing it.

This was the woman that made me happier than I ever thought I could be. 

I smiled mid-kiss to her, her giggle fueling my fire to just take her right now in the kitchen.

Not even being the most sinful and frightful mafia boss in the world could match the power I felt with her.  

I am Tom Kaulitz, feared mafia boss, brother and soon to be husband. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2013 ⏰

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Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now