Chapter 53

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Taylor's POV

After having one of the best evenings out in a really long time we had gotten ourselves back home and got to bed. I almost kicked Tom in in shear frustration as he the day after woke me up to say it was time to get ready. It was way too early for such a thing but hearing the tone in his voice, I remembered that it was today that we needed to head out towards the whiskey-night.

Getting dressed I went to the kitchen where Mellie and Hirato were eating breakfast. I was a bit mortified I had been such a lousy grump when being woken up but what can I say, I wanted my sleep.

-Well somebody is in a foul mood, Mellie sneered with a smirk as I took my place by the table and made myself a sandwich.

I glared at her in a response as she grinned. She was such a damn morning person sometimes, but only sometimes.

-What? Hirato asked in a yawn. Mellie smirked as he looked between the both of us.

-Taylor almost kicked Tom in the head when he woke her up earlier, she said, desperately trying to hold in her bursting laughter. Hirato stretched open his eyes, before he looked at me and then at Mellie who still were smirking.  

-Remind me to never wake you up from now on, he snickered and nudged Mellie knowingly as she busted out laughing.

- I didn’t mean to do that, I grumped and chewed of my sandwich.

-Well he deserved it if he woke you up when you just could’ve slept a while longer, Hirato weighed.

I smiled thankfully at him for understanding my nature but it disappeared just as quickly. It suddenly got to me that Tom woke me up just to say goodbye, cause he and the rest of them left earlier this morning to check everything out at the place before we arrived. The drop of guilt almost made me feel a bit ill to my stomach. Why was I always such a struggle to him and the rest of the world?

I sighed, dammit! And now I wouldn’t see him until the goddamn death party, I internally groaned.

-Well isn’t it about time that we go get ready and head off as well? Mellie suggested as she rose from the table to put the dishes in the dishwasher. Hirato looked at his watch and made an assessment before nodding his head.

-Yep it’s time.

After getting all the stuff we was going to need and shoved them into the car, we began our two-day ride to the destination. The guys had already a couple of hours ahead of us but they would shift turns to get there already tonight while we were going to stay overnight on a hotel before leaving early tomorrow morning to go the final way.

Hitting the road I watched as the streets of Paris swept past us as I sat in the backseat. I loved this city, I truly did. I had become so established here when I came from Tokyo and somehow it seemed like the perfect fit at the time.

Sighing I turned my head back forward as we drove under the tunnel, the last gaze of Paris disappearing.


It took us hours and hours of driving until we finally came to a stop by a rather shaggy looking Hotel in the middle of nowhere but it was okay nonetheless. I spent the entire night thinking about what I had done in my life so far, everything seemed so puny for some reason but it didn’t matter much cause I remembered how much I’ve worked for things and all the things I’ve accomplished that I never thought I would do.

I managed to make myself in a better mood but eventually it started gnawing on my mind how I was such a crappy girlfriend to Tom this morning and I started to miss him. It was ridiculous but I wanted to see him and at least apologize for my childish behavior.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now