Chapter 43

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Taylor's POV

Cooking whatever leftover we had from last night’s food, I made some comforting potato soup. The dishes were kind of stocking up in the sink at the moment. Dammit why couldn’t Mellie ever clean after herself.

-Mellie can you please to the dishes at some point? I yelled. I got a grunt in response from the other room as I sighed. I love her to death but chores were not her thing.

Finishing up on the soup, I heard the front door open and closing quickly.

-Hey I bought the bread! Hirato called as I made a distinct squeak of joy.

Turning my head from the stove I saw him in his military-green jacket, dangling a paper bag with a loaf of bread sticking out of it. Grinning, I realized he had bought me my favorite kind.

-You do take well care of me, I chuckled as he smiled and quickly kicked off his shoes and tossed off his jacket into the hallway before entering the kitchen.

-It smells all the way out into the staircase, Hirato commented as he walked up next to me and took the spoon out of my fingers and stirred a little bit in the soup.

-Well I hope you’re hungry, I said as I snatched the bread from his hands and placed it on a wooden cutting board. Putting some pressure on the surface of the bread, it crunched in a perfect way, revealing it had the perfect crust with the softest inside.

-I am so hungry and I hope you love the bread, because I had to walk a long way to that little bakery, he grumped as I laughed. He was trying to make me show sympathy for him but I honestly knew he would go all the way to the side corner bakery, just because he would get me my favorite bread.

-You have never failed me once, I teased as he put the soup on the table while I sliced the bread.

-Mellie, food is ready! Hirato shouted as he took a seat.

I carefully placed the heavenly bread on the table as Hirato huffed a breath.

-Can’t she ever do any of her choirs? He grumbled while glancing with a frown to the dishes in the sink. I looked at him, the man with short black hair, broad shoulders and beautiful eyes as I started laughing. He questioningly raised his eyebrows at me.

-I think it’s hilarious how we are a married couple and Mellie is our child, I teased as Hirato started to laughed as well.

-You have a point in that, he said as Mellie appeared. She gave us both a questioning look as she placed herself by the table.

-You guys are such a hassle, she grumped as I shook my shoulders and treated myself with some warm potato soup and a thick slice of bread.

I was famished after a long day of studies and classes at the school so I dug in immediately, as did Hirato and Mellie. It was kind of cramped in my little apartment here in France. They weren’t very known for huge student-apartments so Mellie and I had our own room as Hirato slept on the pull out bed sofa in the living room.

I had to invest in a new one since the old sofa I had was kind of hard and was far too small for Hirato to sleep in. So as gratitude for his company and to the choice of him taking the living room so Mellie and I could have our own rooms, I bought the best and most luxurious bed sofa I could find.

It did get heated sometimes when we couldn’t agree on the dishes, who’s turn it was to clean or how long somebody could take a shower but in the end it was pretty amazing to have my best friends living with me in Paris.

Hirato had found a job in a car company, designing and selling the newest sport cars. He had found something he really was good at so I was glad for him. Mellie on the other hand had followed my lead and started taking some classes at my university. It wasn’t much but it was enough for us all to go back to something steady.

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