Chapter 47

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I squinted my eyes, I did not recognize the man and yet I somehow did. Right next to Hirato, He was standing leaning back against the hood of the car. His arms were crossed over his chest, his head turned towards his brother and Mellie. The cornrows I was used to were traded by long black dreadlocks put up in a stretch band.

Facing me from the side, I could see he had got thinner, leaner in a way, judging by the way his jeans hung more loosely than usual over his hips. His muscles however had increased as his white t-shirt clung to his big arms, complementing his strong jaw, collarbones and his neck. He was standing barely meters from me, so close I could take not more than 6 steps and I would reach him.

Frozen to the ground I watched Hirato giving me a teasing smile and leaning closer to him, mumbling something that made Tom turn his head and suddenly he was looking straight at me. His casual posture tensed up in an instant as he straightened himself out, unfolding his arms.

My mind went totally blank. I didn’t know what to think or feel, my thoughts vanished as soon as I saw his face.

The only thing I knew was happening was the unbearable pull I was starting to feel.

Hirato started grinning smugly to me and lent back against Bill’s car again, probably enjoying this all too much.

If I weren’t as dazed and confused right now I would’ve given him a hard glare for toying with me.

I tried to think of anything, anything to say or to do but all I could feel was how dry my mouth suddenly felt or the way I had to concentrate to take even a single breath.

Tom stared at me, his eyes boring intensely into mine. His mouth was partly open, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words or he was too stunned to remember what he was going to say.

He was feeling it too, the instant connection, the instant need.

The hesitant feeling of joy and complete, utter hope started creeping in my chest but I forced it down, was he even real? Was Tom really back?

My eyes started to flicker when I felt the burning sensation in them. That irritating moment where you know your blood-shot eyes are showing and giving a high-risk of completely destroying your makeup.

It felt like hour long seconds passed as my brain slowly started to grasp the reality and started to speed up.

He was back. He was actually back.

I exhaled a deep breath, not thinking I had held my lungs paralyzed with air and for the first time in months, I let go off the control over my emotions I so strongly and anxiously had preserved to keep me from heart-wreck.

I started to pace, hurrying with the best of my ability in these shoes, but I didn’t get the chance to take a lot of steps before Tom met me, slamming his body into mine. His hard body surrounded me completely, holding me up in the air so that my toes barely touched the ground.

In an instant, he had rounded his car and taken two huge footsteps and placed his arms so tightly around me he pressed the air out of me. Shakily I snaked my arms around his waist, grabbing a hold of his t-shirt and let go off months of the control I’d had over my emotions.

I started crying as soon as I felt him burying his head into my neck and his smell slithering into my nose. The wave of emotions washing over me, that I didn’t have even two seconds ago, hit me fist hard. His heart was beating rapidly against my ear as he pressed me even closer to him while I was being a total wimp and cried my eyes out.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now