Chapter 41

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Tom’s POV

Looking into the ceiling, my mind was spinning with thoughts. I was staring at the cracked white paint, flaking so much you could see the old paint underneath in a horrible yellow color. Sighing, I took a look around me.

The room was small, verging on claustrophobic, with a tiny window that was broken and horribly dirty. The floor was covered in dust and the furniture smelled like burnt paper. It gave a feeling of desertion and total lack of hope. Charming…

So this was the life I suddenly had put myself into. From luxurious mansions, the best food on earth and a gorgeous girl, I suddenly found myself lying in a crappy, uncomfortable bed in the middle of some scruffy little small town in the middle of nowhere all alone.

I should probably get used to it though. If Bill was right, we were going to have to live in these kind of places, if not worse, in the close future. Shuddering I turned my head out the window. I honestly believed for once in my life that I had everything straightened out. Chuckling to myself I realized I was beyond daft, what kind of bullshit had I really told myself?

I was a mafia boss, the best of the worst. It was never going to be easy or relaxing for me, or the people in my life when there is always someone who wants to take my place, wash me out or take over all of my business.

I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands.

Everything was a bloody mess and I hated it with every nerve in my body. This was driving me away from what had seemed to be the life I always wanted.

Staring intently at the faded cracks in the glass window, a mental picture formed in the back of my mind of Bill and me, sitting alone in a cramped room like this with years on our necks. How long we would have to be on the run, I wouldn’t know.

Knowing my current future wasn’t looking so damn appealing; it felt even less attractive knowing Taylor probably despised me by now. I wasn’t keen on fighting with her, even though we usually had killer, room shaking make-up sex.

Feeling warmer by the bare thoughts of our intimate moments, I knew it would be the hardest having to not hear her, her voice being around. I could take the physical absence but the sheer presence of her, even her sound, would be devastating to loose.

 If Bill and I were going to do this right, we needed to end everything with the girls and Hirato, if we really wanted this to work. The mafia clans needed to wrap their heads around that we didn’t have any type of contact with them anymore. 

The noise of the door cracking stopped my trace of thought as I swiftly turned my head. Taylor was quietly opening the door and walking inside with dawdling steps.

-I thought you were mad at me, I casually stated. Sitting up a bit in the bed, I could see her better in the dim light from the window. It wasn’t completely dark but it wasn’t all that bright either in the room.  

Taylor turned and looked at me and I lost my breath for a second. Her deep blue eyes glowed vividly in the dark, piercing trough everything while looking at me displeased. I realized that there actually was a possibility I was never going to see as beautiful eyes as hers, and it provoked me even more to stay.

-I am.

Standing by the door, she stood perfectly still with her arms crossed over her chest as she kicked the old, broken door shut.  Pursing my lips together it dawned on me that she wasn’t only pissed, she was beyond angry.

-What about Hirato? I asked carefully, trying not to press the wrong buttons that would make her turn her heals in the split of a second.

-Luckily for you, he doesn’t really care that much just knowing everybody will come out of this alive, she answered. Her response was quick, informative and callous. When she was like this I knew I had really pissed her off. If she was snappy and indifferent it meant that I had a lot of sucking up to do.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now