Chapter 2

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 Taylor's POV

"Are you sure you are going to be okay?" Blake asked hesitantly as he picked up my bag and threw it in the backseat. I held the taxi-door open and leaned on it.

"Yeah, and besides I get so see my dad too" I said as he still looked doubtfully at me. I rolled my eyes at his look before he pulled me into a tight hug, clenching me. 

"Blake I will be fine" I muffled. 

"I hate that you will have to meet him" Blake murmured into my shoulder as I hugged him back.

Truthfully I didn’t despise the thought as much as Blake seemed to, but I said nothing to keep his feelings intact.

"It’s okay, Mellie will be there too you know" I tried to say as comic as I could. He frowned at me in disapproval but i just smiled and let him go. 

"I’ll call you tomorrow Blake" 

Even though I knew he didn’t like me going to help out with the wedding, he still supported me.

He gave me a small comforting smile as he placed his hand on my cheek and gave me a tender kiss.

I giggled and said goodbye and sat down in the taxi. Blake closed the door and waved to me with a smile as I returned it and the taxi started going.

It didn’t take long until I reached the airport. Within the hour I had checked my bag in, gone through security control and bought a croissant and a coffee for breakfast.

As I was sitting at the “Charles de Gaulle airport”, terminal 12, waiting for my flight to Rome I couldn’t but to let my mind drift off.

I was going to see Tom again.

I inhaled a sharp breath at the meere thought of it.

It would be hard though, I still couldn’t grasp really how much he actually hurt me. As painful memories flashed my mind, I could feel my body tensing up in both anger and sadness.

"Mesdames et Messieurs, le vol à destination de Rome est maintenant d'embarquement" 

(Ladies and Gentlemen, the flight to Rome is now boarding)

People around me in the terminal started moving, gathering their stuff and picking up their passports and tickets. I shook my head to get my memories out of my head and ate up the last piece of my croissant and slurped down the last zip of my coffee before throwing the garbage away.

I gathered my stuff too and swung my bag over my shoulder and picked up my ticket. I took a deep breath before getting in line to the flight.

Here we go...



Someone shouted and I looked desperately around the big crowded exit place from the terminal. People were swarming everywhere and carrying big suitcases, shovving me forcefully everywhere.

I pushed myself forward between two big men as I saw Mellie, jumping up and down shouting my name. I grinned as I continued to push myself through a bunch of people as I ran up to her, and we slammed into each other in a hard embrace. 

"Mellie, I’ve missed you!" I said as the both of us laughed.

"You have no idea how much I’ve missed you too!" She giggled. 

Her hair was a little bit longer and a little bit lighter brown since last time I saw her, but she looked just as pretty as always in a black skirt and flower-printed shirt. I myself had on a pair of denim shorts and a dark grey tank top.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now