Chapter 17

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Taylor's POV

I read the last sentence of the page and felt that familiar tug in my body each time I read out a good book. You didn’t want it to end but you still wanted to see how the end was turning out. I let out a small sigh of satisfaction as I closed the book and felt the cover in my hands.

"A good one?" Tom murmured next to me as I nearly jumped. I’d forgotten he even was there. I looked up at him as his brown orbs looked into my blue.

"Yeah, it was a rare one" I chuckled enthusiastically like a small kid. Tom smiled amused at me.

"It must have been really interesting" he said and shifted in his seat a little bit, his chest coming closer to me. I inhaled a deeper breath as small butterflies in my stomach started reminding itself.

"What do you mean?" I asked and made a face.

"You looked so captivated by it" he said and tilted his head as he looked at me like a curious dog. A small blush spread across my cheeks.

"Is it strange to be captivated by a book? I asked and slid down a little in the chair as Tom shrugged his shoulders.

"No, it’s just that no one ever reads a book, the guys only read magazines or nothing so it’s a bit odd. I like watching you read, every thought and emotion reflects in your face" he said and smiled in the corner of his mouth while looking down at me. I blushed even more as he snickered.

"You shouldn’t look at me when I’m reading, I may smack you with my book" I teased as he started laughing. Tom slid down a little bit in the chair next to me as he confidently took my arm and placed it across his stomach.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a frown as he quickly pulled me to my side with my arm across him and forced my head into his chest.

"Making myself comfortable, what else?" He said playfully as I rolled my eyes at him. When he finally stopped moving I couldn’t deny that it actually was very cozy. I was lying on my side, my cheek leaning onto his chest as he had wrapped his arm under my head.

"Tom you are such an ass" I mumbled as I finally grasped the fact that he had taken advantage of the situation. But the way he was acting so innocent and playful didn’t really help me take this seriously.

I felt giddy as I relaxed a bit into him and placed my head a bit better in the curve of his chest and neck. His cornrows were still kind of wet so it was so surprise when I felt cold drips of water drizzling down my chest. I looked down and saw my skin getting goose bumps.

"Cold huh?" Tom snickered as I glanced up on him and frowned at his grin.

"Pervert, checking out my chest" I laughed as the look of innocence cross his face again. 

"What?" He chuckled as I rolled my eyes and started to get up from the chair as he pulled me back.

"Hey, don’t go" he begged and put his arm around my waist, pulling me back down. I fell down with a thump on the sun chair as a teasing chuckle escaped Tom’s lips making me frown at him. I sighed and gave him a small glare. 

"Tom this is hard as it is, you don’t have to tease me" 

His face suddenly went limp and puzzled he looked back at me before pursing his lips angry and furrowing his eyebrows together. 

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now