Chapter 6

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Taylor's POV 

About an hour later there was a knock on my door.
"Taylor come on, we need to go now" she said as I raffled my stuff together and pushed them inside my bag and swung it over my shoulder.

"Coming, hold on a second" I said as I walked up to my mirror and did one last check in my appearance before I opened the door and there Mellie stood with a disapproving frown on her face.

"What, I don’t look okay?" I asked and examined my clothes. I had on a pair of distressed denim shorts, a braided belt, a pair of olive green shoes that matched kind of good with my newly tanned legs and a white flowy top.

"No, it’s just… I’ll take it in the car" she said as I nodded. We walked downstairs and out on the front side of the house to where the cars were. Carefully we slid into the car, me at the driver’s seat.

"So…?" I inquired when I started the car and drove out on the road.

"You know why I am disappointed in you" she said, her tone very adult.

"Enlighten me" 

"Taylor come on, Tom made an effort this morning to talk to you, and you totally ignored him!" She said making me sigh.

"Mellie can you just please stop getting in the middle of stuff" I mumbled and focused on my driving.

"No Taylor, not when you are acting like such a child" she yelled. 

"Mellie come on! I may be acting childish but I have all the right to be. If I don’t want to talk to him and to ignore him then let me do that!" I yelled back at her as she gave me a grumpy face.

"Fine" she growled and turned away, looking out the window.

The rest of the day lingered on with stuff to do and I was thankful Mellie didn’t bring up the subject again. The sun was also really burning so several times we had to stop doing errands and take either an ice-cream or water.

I could honestly say I dreaded a little bit to going back to the house, knowing Tom would be there, but eventually the day was getting at it’s end and we needed to get back. We pulled up by the courtyard and I stopped the car as we walked out.

"I am so tired, do you want to chill by the pool?" Mellie asked as we walked towards the front door. I looked at her in surprise.

"There’s a pool as well?" I asked as she nodded with a smirk.

"Yeah but it’s on the short side of the house so you can’t see it from the back or the front" she explained as I nodded.

So the bushes around the house kept it a little secret, how smart of whoever placed the pool there. It was quiet in the house when we entered but I didn’t pay much attention. Mellie and I went upstairs and our separate ways to our rooms to get changed.

I plowed through my suitcase for my bathing suit and a delighted smile appeared on my face when I found it. I dressed down and put it on. It was a two piece swimwear, the top was white and strapless as the bottom was a plain hipster bottom in a dark shade of red.

I slid on a pair of denim shorts to that and grabbed my stuff containing of my cellphone, iPod with headphones, a book and a towel.  I walked out and Mellie was already waiting for me, dressed in her swimwear and a light pink tunic.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now