Chapter 51

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Taylor's POV

It took no more than the entire day to go apartment hunting with Hirato. I was completely exhausted from all the chatter he had with all the realtors by the end of the day. Hirato was the kind of person who had a lot of questions and wasn’t afraid to politely shove them in your face.

The joy I felt when he announced he was going out to dinner with some work friends and had to leave me by the doorstep, was undeniable. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and practically shoved him away as I walked into my apartment.

-Hello? I called out as I threw off my jacket and shoes.

-Hey, It’s just me! Tom answered from the bathroom as he came out.

-Are you serious? There is nobody else home? I questioned skeptically. There was rarely nowadays that the apartment was empty. It was both a joy and a curse. Tom smiled knowingly at me and nodded to me. He was dressed in plain jeans and navy blue sweater. He looked cuddly friendly to be exact.

-Yeah, do you want something? Something to eat or drink maybe? He asked courteously as I shook my head and laughed. He had really settled here hadn’t he, I thought and chuckled.

I approached him and slipped my arms around his waist to get a proper greeting hug and Tom made no gesture to refuse it as he squeezed me tightly, rubbing his hands up and down the small of my back.

-I missed you a little today, I confessed. Tom pushed his lips on my forehead and chuckled.

-Well I missed you a little today too.

-Are you going to tell me now? I asked him.

I knew I was rather blunt but if I wasn’t he was going to stall this as long as possible and I didn’t have the patience for it. Tom’s posture tensed, his grip tightened around me. If I hadn’t thought of anything else I would’ve said I just made him nervous.

-All right then, he sighed and motioned me to the sofa as we sat down. He stopped for a second, seemingly to collect himself, before he turned his body to me.

-What I am about to tell you is not something that you are going to like, he started.

I frowned, I had expected it was going to be something I didn’t like but the way he looked at me, scanning my reaction was making me feel uncomfortable.

-Tom spit it out, you are straining on my nerves here, I pleaded. Another sigh left his lips as he scratched the back of his head.

-Just after we got here, we received an invitation to a so-called whiskey-night, he explained.

Tom’s eyes looked up in the ceiling like it was a problem, which actually sounded kind of interesting and fun to me. I’ve heard about Whiskey-nights before. They were essentially really classy parties like a ball with long dresses and sharp dressed gentlemen who would keep to themselves to discuss business while the rest of the guests were entertained.            

-And that is bad? I questioned with a hint of amusement. Tom startled me as he immediately straightened and gave me a hard look.

-Taylor this isn’t funny, he barked at me.

I regretted my tone but was it really that serious that he needed to feel so angry?

-I know it isn’t, I mumbled and Tom shifted in his seat, his fingers nervously tangling. He was confused and he was really rubbing the feeling off onto me.

-We ordered our men to get information and they told us that everybody is gathering at this, he continued bitterly.

-What do you mean everybody? I frowned. He gave me an unsure look.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now