1~ How it all started

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Laxus POV:

I was strolling through town with my headphones in, when I suddenly came across a little girl who looked about 10 or 11, she was crouched down, skilfully hiding behind some barrels as she was shivering.

I decided to ignore it and walk a bit further but sorrowful whimpering reached my ears. I groaned in defeat, rubbing the back of my head and stalked my way over to her.

Noticing she was crying, I bent over to her level attempting to reduce my intimidation. "Hey mouse, what are you doing over there?"

"M-mister, there's some bad people chasing me." She wails, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks.

"What do you mean? Who chasing after you?" I question her with a slightly gentler tone.

She wipes her tears and points to the top of a balcony. "Them."

I turn around to see but before I could register anything two men jump off, they zap some webs at my direction and I quickly grab the girl, jumping out of the way before it could hit me.

Looking at the dent in the ground, I came to the conclusion that these guys are the ones chasing after her. I told gramps I wouldn't get into any fights but I guess I don't have a choice.

Ah, how annoying.

One of the man steps closer with an ominous glint in his eyes. "Lookie what we have here, we've got ourselves one of those Fairies, how about you leave and give us the girl."

This guy must be the leader, it usually the most confident bastards that act big and bad. In the end there all amateurs.

I frown, scoffing Indignantly at them. "If you think I'll comply that easily then you've got another thing coming big guy."

"You've got a pair on ya if you think that you could defeat us on your own." He sneers, reaching his hand out to launch some webs to strike me down.

"Mister! Please watch out!" The girl cries out, thinking I'll get injured.

"I told you," I raise my hand. "Not to mess with me!" I unleash my lightning, electrocuting them all at once.

The man clutches his stomach, groaning in pain. "What's the S Class Wizard—Fairy Tails Laxus doing here! I thought this was the area they rarely come around!"

"Damn it, let's retreat!" Another bellows, struggling to stand up and they both began to run away jaggedly.

I click my teeth, "What a bunch of cowards."

Grunting, I turned around until I began to feel a tug on my clothes, I lower my head only to notice that it was the little mouse girl.

"Thank you Mister...you really beat them all." She says, tears welling up in her eyes which I guess is from relief.

I crouch down to her, wiping her tears. "How about you tell me why those men were chasing after you?"

"It's because..." She lowers her voice, "I'm a dragon slayer...they wanted to take me away somewhere and use my power."

My eyes widen. "A DRAGON SLAYER?!!" I yell, completely shocked to know there's more slayers out there, whilst the girl flinches at my sudden shout.

Ah, crap, I didn't meant to get so excited.

"Haha, sorry, I assume you don't have any parents with you since your a dragon slayer." I question, receiving a slow, sad nod of the head from her.

I ponder in thought for a second. "Alright then! How about you come with me to my guild?" I exclaim enthusiastically and she practically glows.

She begins to hang her head low, nervously fidgeting with her fingers, "Can I really...?"

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