13~ Change of events

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"So, Y/N, what were you and Laxus talking about before we arrived after your match?" Erza cooed, her eyes twinkling, both with interest and fascination. Lucy also chiming in with a mischievous grin.

Y/N sighed, shaking her head, she knew this was going to come eventually when they all gave her curious side looks on the way back. Mostly sending cheeky smirks.

Just when she was about to say nothing happened, her face furiously blushed at the remembrance, and she quickly looked away.

"I have no idea what your talking about."

"Oh, come on, like we'll believe that! When we got there you guys were unbelievably close. You were blushing, and so was Laxus! I mean, Laxus, blushed!" Lucy emphasised her words to Y/N, thinking nothing gets through to this girl, "he doesn't do that!"

Erza nodded in with a hum, also agreeing. "Yes, your also like an open book Y/N, sometimes everything just reveals on your face."

Y/N couldn't disagree with them. After all who did she think she was fooling? Sure she changed a bit, but the once timid, shy girl she once was still lurked inside her. Y/N was an open book, but she couldn't read her feelings well herself, it's obvious now, just as she changed, so did her feelings. It's not a crush anymore, she really does like Laxus.

With a sigh, she admitted defeat. "Ok fine, maybe something did happen. Just don't say anything right now, I'll tell you guys another time."

The girls glowed ecstatically, mostly excited that Y/N was coming forth with the information herself. Calming down their squeals, they began to watch what was happening down below.

"Come on now guys, don't sit around like a bunch of party poopers, you should be adding memorable moments to your youth! Go participate aswell!" The first master smiled with enthusiasm, encouraging the girls to join Mira on the arena.

"Mavis is right! Come on Y/N, join me, let's go!" Sakura jumped off her seat, pulling Y/N's arm with delight. Y/N was hanging onto of the pillars of the booth, Sakura desperately pulling her by her legs.

"No way, I decline! do you see how many guys are out there?! I'm not going!" Y/N firmly yelled, wrapping her whole body around the pillar.

"What the hell is going on over there? Are they fighting?" Gajeel looked down weirdly at Sakura earnestly attempting to drag Y/N off a pillar.

"It seems that Y/N does not want to go into the arena." Juvia giggled a little.

"God, how strong is your grip?!" Sakura tried to pull Y/N away, but she still wouldn't budge the slightest.

"Hey Juvia, Cana, why don't you go help her get down there? That'd be a good show to see." Gajeel mused with hidden amusement, the girls smirked at his idea, rushing over to their booth.

Once making it over there, they signalled Sakura to hush. Cautiously, hastily they snaked behind Y/N, all three of them heaving her at once, causing her let go at the sudden increase of strength, then falling into the arena.

"You guys are so deaaaddd!!"

"Oh—looks like the other Queen has arrived to the show, and by her appearance she's just as fashionably late!"

The majority of males in the crowd whistled, and Y/N frowned. Confused at the awes, she looked down, then gaped.

"What the hell? when did I even change into this bikini?!"

She was wearing the same bikini she wore at the Fairy Tail contest, except this time more cleavage was shown. The swimsuit looking extremely flattering now that she was completely grown.

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