11~ Y/N Vs. ???

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Once seeing that the team was alone, Gajeel approached Laxus, his curiosity getting the better of him after days of unintentionally observing him. "Oi, I know this may be a little weird cause she was younger than you but do ya have the hots for Y/N?"

Mira stifled a giggle, "I think he does."

"Are you both crazy? Me and Y/N are just close friends. End of discussion." Laxus scoffed, sitting down.

"Well your cheeks said otherwise when she got all dolled up for that jerk over there, you blushed right when she walked through the door." Gajeel did his famous "gihi", treading closer to Laxus.

A smirk crawled onto Laxus face. "Well what about you and the book worm? She gave you a hug the other day and your cheeks basically matched a tomato."

Gajeel face burned with red and infuriation. "I was not! Don't go changing the damn subject!"

The team laughed before Juvia spoke up. "Well Juvia thinks your a good match, and maybe Y/N likes Laxus too. She might even be thinking of Laxus right now." The team peered over at the booth with the girls, all smirking mischievously at a blushing Y/N.

"Y/N!" Erza and Lucy sang, cheeky grins on their faces.

Y/N glanced at them warily, knowing something was up by their mischievous aura, "Yes?"

"Do you still like Laxus?" Erza asked, no hesitation whatsoever.

"Wh-what?!" Y/N stuttered, embarrassed at her straightforward question.

"Still? I thought she just started to like him!" Lucy questioned.

"Nope. Y/N has liked him ever since she was young, she used to cling onto him day and night. I remember when you use to cry when Laxus went on a mission for a few days." Erza chuckled heartily, making Y/N cheeks heat up at her childish behaviour in her youth.

"I was young okay! And I didn't like him like that. Right now, we're just close friends. That's all." She rebuked with firmness, "Besides what of you and Jellal, and you and Natsu." Y/N lips drawled upwards at the two girls whose cheeks tinted red.

"Don't change the subject!" They called out in unison, faces flushing.

Both embarrassed teams soon decided to drop the subject of the two, now keeping an eye on the games that soon started to set into motion.


The games have been going on for a few days now and some battles have already set off; Mystogen Vs. Jura, Orga Vs. Warcy, Lucy Vs. Flare and the Chariot races.

Due to the franticness and liveliness of it all, the guild decided to throw a last place party at the bar, they drank, laugh and have fun, all chattering about how they'll win the games and become number one again.

"Would you guys settle down! Let me remind you that this isn't our guild so whatever damage we cause, we've gotta pay for it." Laxus sighed, sitting back down quietly on a table, a beer gripped around his hand.

Gajeel stepped over, lightly patting his head, "Aww you tryin' to impress grandad with the good guy act."

Levy desperately tried to pull the heavy and tipsy man backwards, but continued failing due to their difference in size and strength.

"Laxus, our leader needs us, he's being ridiculed by iron head! Activate body guard mode!" Freed screamed to Ever and Bickslow. Except, he sees that they're too dunk to care themselves, attempting to out drink Cana, but failing miserably.

"Hey, who the hell are you calling iron head?! You tree head!" Gajeel yanked Freed over, fisting his collar.

Out of nowhere, a hand smacked Gajeels hand away. "Come on, knock it off you guys."

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