16~ New selection

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"Lucy!" The team screamed her name, all leaping into the arena.

It was just after her match with Minerva and she was holding her up by the throat, gripping around her neck tightly, sparing her little to any air.

Without any warning, she dropped Lucy to the floor weakly. Thankfully, Natsu and Gray reacted fast, catching her before she hit the hard ground.

Immediately, Y/N, Wendy and Sheila rushed to her aid, soundly healing her as much as they could, before hastily assisting her to the infirmary.

"Guys she's waking up!" Natsu said in relief, watching as the blonde girl meekly sat up.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked quietly, behind the concern in her eyes was rage for people injuring her friend.

Lucy only nodded, her throat was aching even when she swallowed, she knew if she spoke it would only come out hoarse.

Bursting through the door, all enraged, was the other teams. "What a bunch of jerks!" Cana yelled furiously, murmuring of agreements flourishing in the room.

"Quiet down!" Master ordered walking in, piercing the entire room with a taut silence. "I need to talk to everyone since your all here. Due to Raven Tail being disqualified there has been an uneven amount of teams, therefore we've been asked to remove one of ours."

Everyone gasped, shocked at his statement.

"What?!" Y/N yelled, undeniably angry. "That's unfair! Since we had two teams in the beginning we should have two teams by the end!"

"Yes I agree, but there is also an upside to this. Since we had two teams and we have to get rid of one, they're letting us have six people, allowing us to have an extra person. I've already chosen the teams." Master explained, scanning everyone in the room that fell silent once again, anticipating his pick of people.

"The new teams teams will be...Natsu, Gray, Erza, Gajeel, Laxus," He surveyed around the room, meeting a pair of apprehensive eyes, "and finally Y/N."

Those chosen all peeked glimpses at one another, seemingly content with his decision. Leaving Lucy to rest up, they all dispersed, preparing for their next arduous match.

"If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask, okay?" Y/N said tentatively, glancing at Lucy on the bed.

Lucy gave a simple nod, taking that as her understanding, Y/N left the infirmary and outside.

"Hey, Y/N!" Hearing her name called out brusquely, she shifted around, watching as Laxus walked towards her.

"Laxus, what's up?"

He ambled closer to her, locking his jaw. "I just wanna say be careful out there. There's going to be a lot of strong wizards, especially Jura."

Y/N tilted her head at him, smiling slightly. "No need to worry Laxus, I'll be careful. But you should understand I'm not the same little girl anymore, I'm a lot stronger now."

Laxus stared hard at her, before turning away and sighing vaguely. "Alright, let's go, it's those two idiots match right now."

Laxus walked towards the stadium, sneaking a few brief looks at Y/N who calmly trailed behind him, and soon enough they reached their booth. They watched the battle with exhilarate cheers, the match coming to an end with Natsu and Gajeel coming out victorious, defeating Sting and Rogue rather gloriously.

Not long after, everyone was present in the bar Fairytail had reserved, proudly celebrating their win against Sabertooth.

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