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I'm Miranda Swank and I'm 18. I'm one of the quiet kids, but I have a ton of friends. I have hidden talents and no one really knows about them other than the people I've worked with. I can sing and I've made multiple songs and collabs with higher artists. My best friends are Rosemary and Selena and I've known them since 5th grade. We live in Orlando, Florida and I really wished I lived in California, but I couldn't afford it. I lived with my foster parents and their son Charles.

"Did you hear we have a new sub in English?" Selena ran to me with Rosemary.

"Really? Is it a guy?" I asked.

"Yeah. But he wears a mask so I don't don't know if he's cute."

"I heard that too. And apparently he has green eyes," Rosemary said. "And he's really young. Like, 21."

"Ooh!" I said.

"You're literally the only one who can date him," Rosemary said. She and Selena were just 17. I went to class with them and we sat at our desks.

"Watch as he's late," Selena laughed. We waited 29 minutes into class and he still wasn't there. Then the door opened and he walked in.

"I'm Mr. D. Not Give me the D. Not Take the D. Just Mr. D. I may seem young, but don't test my patience," he said. I felt like I had heard his voice before, but wasn't sure. We went through class and I was growing more sus of him. The bell rang for lunch and everyone got their stuff, leaving quickly. Selena, Rosemary, and I trailed.

"Are we getting In-and-Out or what?" Rose asked.

"I don't know. My mom dropped me," Selena said. "I'll go where you go."

"My brother dropped me and he's not about to skip work for me. Randi?" Rose asked.

"I drove. One of you is paying for my gas and the other is paying for food," I said and got everything in my bag. Some older guy walked into the classroom and I guessed he was friends with the sub. "Y'all need your own fucking cars," I said as we went to the door.

"Language!" The guy who just walked in said. He really sounded familiar, but I didn't pay attention to it. I drove to get lunch and Selena paid for it. We ate on the school parking lot, then separated for our classes. I had choir and I just lip synced the whole time.

After school ended, I went home and mom had made dinner.

"Ooh, something smells good," I said as I walked in and set my shoes aside.

"At least someone appreciates it around here," mom smiled. "Go wash up before it gets cold." I went up, got ready for the night, then ate with everyone.

"How's school?" Charles asked.

"We got a sub in English. I think he said he'd be there for a week or something," I said. "He's weird though. He wears a mask and I swear I know his voice from somewhere. I just don't remember from where."

"Interesting," dad said, clearly not giving a shit.

"Honey... She was just telling us about her day," mom said.

"I know." I finished eating and looked at mom.

"May I be excused?" I asked.

"Yes," she said and I got up. I put my dishes in the sink and went upstairs to finish my annoying homework. I did and had it ready for school the next day. I had only 1 AP class this year, but I was also in AP Capstone and AP Seminar which added some work to my schedule.

I drove to school the next day and met with Selena and Rose.

"I got my car today so I can go get lunch without y'all," Selena said.

"I brought my car," Rose said.

"I always bring mine," I said. We went to English class with Mr. D and sat around my desk. "I'm gonna get there first and I'm gonna ask the cute guy who works there to give you his number," I told Rose.

"Oh, God. No!" She said.

"You've literally had a crush on him forever," I said.

"Yeah. You made me sit in the passenger's seat just so you wouldn't be seen by him," Selena said.

"You have an unhealthy obsession with him," I added.

"You're both such bitches," Rose sat at her desk. Selena sat at hers and I got my phone out.

"Is he gonna be late again?" I asked.

"I bet you $5 he will," Rose said.

"I bet $5 he won't," Selena said.

"I prefer to stay neutral," I smiled. Yeah, he was late. Mr. D's lesson was really boring and he knew no one was paying attention, so he gave us a test on the information.

"Now hand your test up to me," he said at the end of class. I went up to him last and the girls waited for me. "It's late. I can't take it," he said. "The bell already rang."

"Do you have any idea who I am?" I asked.

"Not in the slightest."

"Great," I said and put my sheet in the center of the stack. I went back to my bag and the girls were laughing their asses off.

"You fucking told him!" Rose laughed.

"I'm not getting screwed over by a sub," I stated and we walked out. We got lunch and the cute guy gave Rose his number.

"I hate you! I was blushing so hard!" She hit my arm. We separated again and I went to choir. It was finally the weekend and none of the teachers had given us any homework. I at least got to enjoy my time and maybe could go shopping. I went with Charles and I paid for my stuff as he paid for his. Even though we weren't blood related, we did everything like biological siblings. We fought, we shared, we cared for each other... He was just overall a dick and I was overall a bitch. We had agreed on that. But he had always wanted a younger sister so he could be protective of her. And he was protective of me. I used to get bullied in elementary school and middle school, so he'd be that older brother who was too cool for everyone but his sister.

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