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"This is why she's on our team," Justina said as our group won. The assembly ended soon and I went back to Sapnap and Dream.

"What was sick," Sapnap laughed.

"You're a fucking badass!" Dream said.

"I try my best," I shrugged. "I have to get to class. Are you free at 4B?"

"Yeah," Dream said.

"I'll come to your class then." I left and went to my choir. Social Studies was boring as usual, Science was pretty cool, and Math was really easy. I always had my last period off, so instead of going home, I went to Dream's class. I sat at my usual desk and he was grading tests. "Where'd Sapnap go?" I asked.

"He went to give some food and water to Patches," Dream said.

"I'm back!" Sapnap ran in. "Is this your off or something?"

"Yeah. I'm not gonna stay for the next 90 minutes, but just for a little while." I got my homework out and finished it quickly. I got a text from Charles and he was wondering where I was.

Me: I'm gonna stay at school for a bit. I'll be home in a while

C: Okay. I'll tell mom

"Who's Charles?" Sapnap breathed over my shoulder. The door opened and someone else walked in.

"Oh, she's the girl with bad language," he pointed at me.

"Okay. Okay. You know him?" Dream stood and asked me.

"BadBoyHalo," I said.

"Or? His real name?"


"What's Sap's real name?"


"My real name?"



"Dave?" I asked.

"Ooh! She was unsure of that one," Sapnap said.

"I don't watch Techno," I shrugged.

"He's pandas," BBH pointed at Sap.

"I've literally been wanting to tell you this. It's not Pandas. It's Panpas. Sapnap doesn't have a d in his name. Or he'd be Sadnap."

"Aww. Why is he sad?"

"I'm not sad," Sapnap laughed. "Hey, do you have a video game set?"

"Yeah. I don't use it often though," I shrugged. "Why am I meeting everyone? Am I gonna meet Ranboo next or something?" I asked.

"He's coming over tomorrow. And Quackity," Dream laughed.

"And Karl," Sapnap added.

"And Karl." I blinked and sighed. I checked the time and wanted to go home.

"Okay. I'm going home," I went to get up, but Sapnap pulled me down.

"No," he said.

"Yes," I tried to get up, but he still held me down.

"How do you know she's not a minor?" BBH asked.

"Oh..." Sapnap let go of me.

"Ha!" I got up.

"She's 18!" Dream said after searching up my profile on the attendance. I was pulled to sit again and I groaned.

"You are so annoying," I told Sapnap.

"No, I'm not," he said. I stayed and was pretty bored. "Okay. Back to what my question was. Who's Charles?"

"My adoptive brother," I said.

"Ooh. An orphan," Dream said.

"Dream!" BBH yelled and I laughed.

"Now you have to tell us the story," Sapnap sat on the floor in front of me and Dream and BBH joined him.

"Oh, God. Fine. I was 6. I had 3 other siblings and I was the oldest. My aunt found out that my mom was getting abused by my dad and took us to court. The judge questioned me and I apparently said that they fought a lot and that I had seen my dad hit her. It wasn't a lie. It was the truth. And then I was asked if he had hit me. He had. So I obviously said yes and my mom started yelling at me. The judge knew I was too little to lie, so they brought my dad as well. He was questioned if he had ever hit my mom or me. He lied and said he hadn't, then started yelling at my mom then came up with lies for hitting me. He said it was a soft slap while my mom had said it was just a push. So the judge knew they were both lying. She gave my mom 5 minutes to admit that he was abusing her or my aunt would get custody of us. My mom didn't say anything because my dad was providing for us. So my siblings and I got a restraining order from them and my mom got a restraining order from my dad. We were in the custody of my aunt, but after a couple months, she lost her job and couldn't take care of us so we were sent to an adoption center. There, a family came and took my older sister and older brother. So I was left with just 1 brother. Another family took him and couldn't manage 2 children. So I was left alone until I was 7. Then I was taken into a foster home. So I've been with these parents since I was 7," I said.

"Wow," BBH said and Sapnap hit his arm.

"And what about your siblings?" Sapnap asked.

"I haven't talked to them since I was 7. Now can I go home?" I asked.

"Yeah," they stood and I did as well.

"Hug," Dream gave me one.

"Hug," Sapnap gave me one as well.

"Hug!" BBH squeezed me.

"Don't pity me, guys. At least I'm happy," I said and got my stuff.

"So are you white or not?" Dream asked.

"No. My mom is from Puerto Rico and my dad is from Mexico. I was just raised in New Mexico," I said.

"So you were born there?"

"Yeah. My first foster parents took me to SoCal so I lived there for a couple months before moving here." I went to the door.

"Hey! Wait!" Sapnap said.

"What?" I asked.

"I have a grocery list," he handed me one. "I'll pay you back."

"Wait, let me add to it," Dream said and added stuff. So did BBH.

"You want these by tomorrow?" I asked.


"Okay. Got it."

"Wait. What's your number? Or do you have discord?" Sapnap asked.

"I'll give you my number, I guess." The 3 got their phones out.

"New contact... Miranda..." Dream said. "Okay. Go." I told them my number and they all texted me. I went home and finished my homework and ate dinner.

"Hey, mom?" I went down.

"Yeah, honey?" She asked, unloading the dishes.

"Can I go shopping quickly?" I asked.

"Help me unload this first." I did and she let me go. I got everything on the list. I texted Dream when I got back in the car and he answered immediately.

My Dream: Dreamwastaken/ClayWhere stories live. Discover now